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Mary's point of view:
The trip was sadly over and we were on our way home. We left later than the rest of the gang so it was dark outside. Except this time I was driving. Again I would like to say I'm not a bad driver I'm just reckless. "FOR THE 50TH FUCKING TIME KEEP BOTH HANDS ON THE WHEEL GOD DAMNIT!" Two-Bit said jokingly sitting in the passenger seat as I was changing the radio station. "Shut up I don't like this song." I said giggling as I hit the buttons on the radio. "HELL YES THIS IS MY SONG!" I screamed as rock n' roll all night by kiss came on the radio. "I want to rock n' roll all night and party everyday!" We all said in sync as my foot leaned on the gas harder. I finally slowed the car down as the song came to an end. "Hey there's a gas station why don't we get some gas and someone else can drive." I said. "Ok but this place is fucking creepy stay with Dallas I'm serious." Two said getting all protective cause my brothers weren't there. I pulled into the gas station. Two gassed the car while Johnny took a piss and me and Dallas got snacks. As Dallas and I walked into the store I bolted into the snack isle while Dallas got everyone drinks. As I was browsing the isle I heard footsteps behind me. I looked in the mirror that was above the door i couldn't see myself or who was behind me but I saw that Dallas was still getting drinks. Who the fuck is behind me I thought as I put my hand on my switch blade that was in my pocket. I just kept inching away from the footsteps. "Hey baby you here alone." I finally turned around to the man talking to me. He was a worker here. He looked tired and rough around the edges. "No shes not here alone she's with her boyfriend." Dallas answered in a deeper voice than usual from behind me before I could answer. "Ok ok bad boy don't get your panties in a twist I just wanted some action I work here fucking 24/7." He said backing up from Dallas. I couldn't help but burst out laughing. The two of them just looked at me like I was crazy. "Was it something I said?" The worker asked. "Yea it is you want so called action and the only pick up line you got is hey baby you here alone." I said in a mocking tone finally getting to my feet from off the floor. "Ok well what do you got." The man said with a chuckle. "Hey baby you know there's 8 planets but there's only going to be 7 after I destroy Uranus." I said with a slick small as both of the boys were dying laughing. "The names Mike by the way." He said extending his hand my way. I shook his hand. "No hard feelings man?I wouldn't of done it if I knew she had a boyfriend." Mike questioned as he extended his hand to Dallas this time. "Yea we're good it no problem." He said shaking his hand. After that Mike said we could have the snacks for free but I insisted to pay and I always get what I want. We then exchange numbers and Dallas and I leave. "What took you idiots so long?" Johnny questioned as he catches the soda I threw at him. "Mary's always got to make new friends." Dallas said in all honesty. "You would be the only one to make a friend in the middle of nowhere in a creepy gas station." Two said. "What can I say I like to meet people." I said getting into the car for the rest of the trip. I handed out the rest of the snacks then went to sleep.

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