Part 4

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Rayna was enjoying her time in New York especially after her short encounter with Scotty, the red hair, and a blue eyes young man with the freckles was a nice distraction from what she had to do now.

Rayna wanted to know why her mother did what she did, Rebecca Springer abandoned her and left her to reap the repercussions of her action.

Rayna wasn't sure what she would get out of it, maybe a reason that would make everything she went through worth it.

She was online looking up information on Rebecca Springer and the pictures that she found online of her mother allowed her to see what her mother looked him. There were no pictures in the pack of her mother, at least not where she was able to see them. Growing up she would often wonder what her mother looked like because the former Alpha would make it seem as if he staring at her mother when he looked her way. Now she could understand why Rayna was almost identical to her mother expect for some small differences. Rebecca Springer had the most beautiful emerald green eyes she's ever seen and against her fair skin and blond hair, the brightness of her eyes shined and drew you in.

"Wow" Rayna whispered to herself

"Why did you do it Rebecca?" she asked the picture, Rayna couldn't bring herself to call the women in the picture mom. As soon as she understood what her mother had done, she no longer had a mother. For Rayna, her mother died the night that her father died, probably even before that since what happened that night was something her mother had planned.

New Message

"Finally" the email that Rayna has been waiting on since she started looking into who her mother was, had finally arrived.

Hey, I was a friend of Becca we went way back and if you're really her daughter. The one she told me about then come to North Carolina, and when you get here call this number 000-XXX-0000 and we can meet up, I'll tell you everything about the old girl. But if it turns out you're not who you say you are then you're going to wish you never went snooping around in other people's business.

One more thing, you got 48 hours to make it to the location and call the number before the number is deactivated.



Rayna read that email over and over again until her computer had a black out and became effect with a virus that wouldn't allow for her to start the computer. She had the number memorize but that was the first laptop she was able to purchase, she loved that laptop and now it wouldn't work.

"Nothing I can do about it," she said to herself again before getting herself ready for bed.

She quickly wrote the number down before falling asleep.

The following day Rayna was up before the sun and packed her bag, she was going to North Carolina and getting to the bottom of this. She grabbed her bag and the broken laptop and headed out to catch a flight to North Carolina.

What kind of person is this Jerry person?

How is Jerry connected with Rebecca?

Better yet what kind person was Rebecca?


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