Chapter Twenty One

Start from the beginning

"Jamie! Ew stop licking my face!" I try my best to push him away but he is too strong. I can hear him laughing as I try to shield myself with the duvet.

His hands are on my waist and he is straddling me. Hes kissing down my neck and stops when he gets to my chin.

"What?" I look up at him and he just smirks. He shakes his head and climbs off of me and pulls on his boxers. Ay? When did they come off? I remember them being on him last night when I put him to bed.

"Did you?"

"No I didnt" He leans against the door frame. I hungrily take in the beautiful sight that is my boyfriend. Surprisingly his hair is starting to grow back.

"Baldy isnt so bald anymore" I tilt my head to the side and admire him. He winks and disappears downstairs. Its quiet. I bet Jim is in bed. I didnt hear him come in atall.

I quickly pull on some shorts and head downstairs. The surroundings are still fairly new to me. The living area is massive and full of young photographs of Jamie, Liesa and Jessica. I make my way into the kitchen.

"Good morning Dakota, did you sleep well?" Jim stands from his chair and drops his plate into the sink. I nod and smile. He takes a seat back where he was and flicks through the paper.

"Its so lovely here Jim. Really welcoming and homely" I take a seat opposite him and he sets the paper down.

"Im glad you like it. Its your home too whenever you come over here. Was he a pain then?" Jim asks. He moves his glasses down his nose a little so he can see me clearly.

"Who?" I frown and lean my cheek on my hand.

"Jamie" he chuckles and shakes his head. "Tired are we?"

"Oh yeah, he was a pain. He wouldnt sleep. He kept talking and blabbering. I couldn't understand half of what he said" I giggle and Jim smiles.

"He seems more light with you. Dont get me wrong, Amelia is a lovely woman but he didnt seem happy. Not like how he is with you. Hes always smiling and cracking jokes and just overall in a good place. Thankyou for that." He places his hand ontop of mine and pats it twice. I smile and my heart warms at his kind words.

"Whats the talk about then?" Samina joins us at the table and smiles lovingly at Jim.

"Just the usual suspect of conversation" He leans over and places a soft gentle kiss on her lips.

"Oh the St Patricks day after" She chuckles and shakes her head. "Wild one isnt he?" She looks at me and takes a sip of her tea. I nod and smile thinking back to last night.

Jamie dancing with me. His body moved so in sync with mine. Considering he says he can't dance. He sure can. He even got up on the karaoke machine. I still can't get over his beautiful his voice really is.

"We should go Jim. I need to be there by half past" Samina stands and pats my shoulder

"Where is it you guys are going?" Im confused. Jim was out drinking last night. Then again, I cant remember him having alot.

"Conference sweetheart. We will be back tomorrow. Jamies somewhere around here, I think hes in the garden. See you later darling." Jim kisses my cheek and grabs his briefcase from under the table. He waves before both disappearing out of the front door.

I stand and make my way to the kettle and set up two cups. I flick the switch and the light on the kettle turns blue. Fancy! I turn and spot Jamie through the window. Hes sat on a bench outside.

"Hey, whats up?" I walk out and head over to the bench. His cheeks are red and his eyes are puffy.

"Hey, hey. Whats wrong?" I quickly sit besides him and take his hand into mine.

"Nothing, Im just.. " He looks up and I follow his eyeline. Theres a little memorial patch for his Mother. Its beautiful. Red roses are filling the area and theres one white rose in the centre where the little plaque is.

"Jamie, she would be so proud of you. Of all of you" I lean my head on his shoulder and his falls onto mine.

"I wish she had the chance to meet the girls. To meet Amelia. To meet you. I wish she could see how well we are all doing" he shakes his head and wipes his eyes. I kiss his shoulder and he goes quiet.

"Whats made you all upset? You were okay before" I whisper. He shrugs and just keeps his eye on the plaque.

"I just have those days where everything daunts on you. I miss her Dakota, I just hope she is proud of me and my sisters. Proud of my dad." He looks down and he slowly starts to calm down.

"Cmon, lets go inside and we will have breakfast and have a relaxing day okay? Before you go back off to filming on Monday." I stand and hold my hand out. He takes it and we both head back inside. I finish off the teas and sit at the table. Jamie places pancakes infront of me and I look up at him.

"Cooked properly right?" I grin and he nods with a cute little smile across his face.

This man is everything to me. Making him happy is all I want to do. I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and I immediately drop my pancake.

"Hey whats wrong?" Jamie stops and looks at me. I shake my head and move over to the sink. Just in time. Jamie rushes over and holds my hair out of my face as I be sick.

"I think I ate the pancake too fast" I stand up straight and wipe my mouth. I lean against the kitchen island and Jamie keeps his eyes on me.

"What Jamie?"

"Are you sure you aren't..... pregnant?"

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