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This was inspired by and idea that starryeyedturtle gave me today. Go give her a follow as she is a good friend of mine and it will be worthwhile!
You are walking, cautiously avoiding puddles on the street. The coziness of your house sound like a very welcoming idea right now, as the rain drizzles itself all over you already soaked body.
Unlocking your door, you notice a tiny note, hidden under the doormat and it reads: come outside @ 11pm x.
Who would be sending you a note like this? You have no clue. A stalker perhaps? What interest would a stalker have in you?! Anyway, you just have to wait and see...
As your phone alarms you that it is five to eleven, you begin to get ready to go back outside into the storm. You are nervous as anxiety takes over your body and you find it hard to breath.
Grudgingly, you trudge to your door and unlatch it. Music plays as your thoughts turn bitter. What if it is a random guy ready to kidnap you and then drowns out your cries for help with music?
A voice you recognise fills your ears and they pass you a notepad and sharpie whilst putting their finger to their lips. So it was okay to turn on music, but not okay to talk? This was weird. Like, really weird.
Mark hauled up a sign that read: Hey, how r u?
You reply with: Fine. U? This is weird
The conversation carries on like this: I am more than fine now that I have seen you.
You are beautiful and you don't even know it.
Still ?
I wanted to deliver a message.
The message reads 'I love you'
Who sent it?
Me to you. I love you.
Well, that was awkward. You don't know how to reply. You don't love Mark back. Eventually, a reply forms on the paper saying: I love you too. But you didn't! So why had you written it? You have no idea, confused, you shut the door.
Boy were you in trouble.
#Awkward xx

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