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You enter the cafe renowned for the best hot chocolate in the world. Suddenly, you see Sam sitting, staring at the menu, as if in a daydream. Joanna died in a plane crash on the way back from America so you know that that is probably what he is thinking about.
Poor sod hasn't even drunk any of his drink!
You wander over to him, warm, frothy hot chocolate in hand and then you trip over a stray bag in the middle of the aisle. Flinging from your hands, the hot chocolate spills and lands on top of Sam, along with you landing on the grimy floor.
Wincing at the state of Sam, you notice the smile beginning to form at the edges of his mouth.
"I am so sorry! Sorry. Sorry. Sorry." you can't explain how sorry you really are.
"That's fine! It's easily sorted!" That's when he grabs the water and pours it all over himself and then he moves on to you.
Drenched, you both laugh as everyone stares at you.
Thankfully, David and Natalie enter the cafe and so, take the crowds attention with them.
"Thank you." he tells you, blushing. You are confused - why should he be thanking you?!
"Huh?! I just spilt hot chocolate down you and you are saying thank you?" he laughs at your confusion, making anger spread onto your face.
"Thank you for making me smile and laugh. You don't know how good it feels!" Wow! If you could do that all the time, you would.
He reaches over and you embrace one another. His lips find a spot on your cheek and smooth the burning shame with a kiss.
Hi guys!
Hope you liked my first imagine. If you guys have any ideas of a Love Actually Imagine then plz comment it down below xx

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