Chapter 8

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“Sabrina, when will you wake up?” A voice I heard from a familiar person. I opened my eyes and I saw Span, looking, no I mean staring intently at me. I looked at the background, am I seeing clouds? I looked at Span and was about to ask where I am when he said “Yes, you’re right with what you are thinking.” Those made my eyes open more wide.

“So, you mean, were both in heaven?” I asked him to make sure. I saw hints of smile on his face that made me confused. I was about to hit his shoulder when I saw some white tapes with injection piercing my skin. Oh great, I should have looked at the background clearer. It’s just a white background at the hospital. With that, Span burst into laughter, I tried to reminisce what happened and why I am here when I felt the flesh wound on my shoulder.

“Where is Caileigh? Is she okay? Is she not hurt?” I asked worriedly.

“Don’t overthink too much, she is okay because of you.” He replied and held my hand, where I felt some electric ran down through my veins. It’s weird. I removed my hands knowing I’m still into Tyler, we are about to marry if only I can go back.

I’ve got 9 days left, though I won’t collect tears anymore, I’m still longing to come back but it’s impossible.

“Tomorrow, you can be discharged here in the hospital, would you like to breathe some fresh air? I can stroll you around the hospital with a wheelchair.” A smile on my lips came and nod.

Though were just here in the garden of the hospital, I feel relaxed but still sad at the thought of leaving my loved ones here.

“Don’t worry my Crystal, I’ll find a way to get the properties of Claire even if she is in that state. I’ll promise, when we got it, we’ll leave the country and live abroad, France? Japan? America? Canada? Wherever you want.” I feel a sudden broke in my chest upon hearing those words. A familiar voice from a familiar person, suddenly fast thumps of my heart began. In any moment, I might lose my consciousness here. My head began to hurt where flashing of memories started from the day of my accident.

It was when the name of Tyler popped up from my phone and when I was about to answer it, I dropped it because of the scenery I saw at the intersection. Tyler, hugging Crystal and Crystal kissing her on his cheeks, what a pleasant scene, so all this time, they betrayed me. Tears started to run down through my cheeks. When I tried to reach for it, I lose my concentration and that’s the root of why I’m in this state again.

“Sabrina! Sabrina! Are you okay?” Span asked with the face of worry. I nodded and asked him to take me back in the room where I stayed. I didn’t know what to feel. I startled when Span held my hand and told me, “Don’t be mad, I knew everything from the start but I couldn’t tell you because we, soul planners, took the oath that we can never interfere with humans or else~” he seemed to be aware of what he is saying so he quickly shut up his mouth. “Or else what?” I asked in curiosity.

“Nothing. Just remember that I’m always here to listen with your worries.” He said sincerely that made me cry and burst all my unwanted feelings of betrayal.

“I never knew they will frame me up for the sake of money. I treated Crystal as my true friend no; I mean she is like my sister, while Tyler is the love of my life. I should have known them better.” I cried in frustration and anger to them. Span just kept on listening, “Who would have thought that all they want from me is the money.” Tears were still falling, I can’t help it, I lost two special persons in my life. Span hugged me tight.

“Mom! Why are you crying? Did Uncle Span hurt you?” she asked, such an innocent girl she is.

“Of course not, I am laughing in tears can’t you see?” I faked a laugh. “Uncle Span told me a joke that is so funny.” I told her, yeah I wish what I saw a while ago was just a joke.

“Really? What’s that joke then?” she asked bubbly.

When I was about to looked at Span, a shape of a familiar man is in the door of the room, standing. It was Andy, why is he here in the first placed? I smiled at him and motion him to come in.

“Mom, I saw Uncle Andy in the Nurse Station after I pee and bought some candies in the lobby. I didn’t know how to go back here so I asked for his help.” Caileigh explained.

“Really, then did you thanked him?” I asked her. Yes, I changed for the better; I should have thanked all the people who helped me when I’m still alive with my own body attached.

“By the way, why are you here? Who are you visiting in the hospital?” Span asked.

Sadness and tears were flashing on his eyes. “My friend, Claire Hilton was brain dead, and I really feel sorry for her. She is such a good friend and used to give me foods whenever she is at the dinosaur theme-park. I just can’t help it but to be sad at the situation.” He stated.

And I was in great shock. I never knew this man whom I used to give foods is more true and loyal than Crystal and Tyler. There, again, I saw more than five droplets of pure tears but promised myself not to collect them anymore. I am satisfied with the thought of feeling the pure love from this people whom I didn’t expect the most.

Enjoy sa mga nagbabasa nito kung meron man. Haha :)

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