He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, making me dig my cheeks in his chest and inhale his scent.

"You guys seem really cozy," Emily smirked while pulling out a bottle of milk. "But I truly advise you to do... whatever you were doing, somewhere else. " She closed the refrigerator's door. "We do eat here."

I stayed silent and tried pulling away from his grasp when he only tightened his grip on me.

"It's all right, really." We watch her laugh and close the door behind her as she walked out with a knowing smile.

"That was awkward," I muttered silently. I slightly jumped when Jay chuckled raspily while pulling me closer to him. We were about to continue what we were doing when knocks were heard on the door with Coby shouting, "NOT IN THE KITCHEN!"

I immediately pulled away from Jay and walked out of the kitchen, watching Coby's back disappear when she went upstairs.

Arms were immediately wrapped around my waist as Jay hugged me from behind. Groaning, I slapped his hands away and faced him. "Stop touching me so freely willy."

His eyes widened, obviously amused with what I said. "You weren't complaining when I was kissing you not too long ago."

"That's the thing." I frowned, "We're not together, Emerson. And I'm not that kind of girl."

He raised an eyebrow and the amused look on his face didn't leave. "We're not?"

"We're not." I nodded.

"How come we're not together? You were literally enjoying our kiss earlier."

"You haven't asked me to be your girlfriend, Jay."

He smirked, "You didn't deny the fact that you enjoyed our kiss."


Chuckling, he raised both of his arms up and said, "Fine. Fine. Fine. Riley, be my girlfriend."

Scoffing, I crossed my arms and shook my head. "Seriously?! That's not how it works."

"Oh?" He asked, "You want the sappy balloons with party poppers and stuff?"

"No." I gagged, "That's disgusting."

"Then tell me, Riley Langston." He smirked, "How does it work?"

"Well..." I started, "You should be serious and at least formal."


"Yeah." I nodded, "And you must know what you're saying like you actually prepared it."

His smile suddenly drop.


He took my arms that are crossed from my chest and puts it in front of us where he is now holding both of my hands. He looked at me straight in the eyes and muttered the words I never thought I'll ever hear coming from him. "Riley Langston, I'm serious and am now trying my best to act formal." He gave me his million-dollar smile, "Please help me end my torture by being my girlfriend."

Smiling, I squeezed his hand and told him, "Your short speech isn't prepared, Emerson."

He squeezed it back and whispered, "It actually is. Whatever I am currently saying right now is coming from my heart who has been preparing for this very day." He looked at me straight in the eyes and asked, "Please be mine?"

"Be yours?"

"Yes." He nodded, "As I am yours."

I ruffled his hair with a chuckle, completely breaking the mood. "Being sappy does not suit you."

He smiled, "But it makes your heart flutter so it is worth it."

I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. "You're fine being my boyfriend even if there are people who constantly want me dead?"

"I'll even protect you."

"You're fine being my boyfriend even if my brother will hate you?"

"He loves me too much, he won't. But if he does, then I'll do everything to gain his trust."

Smiling, I took a step closer to him and asked, "You're fine being my boyfriend even if I was completely obsessed with you before?"

His eyes widened and shock flashed through it; which scared me since he may now find me creepy. "Before?" He asked, "You're not completely obsessed with me now?"

With a sigh, I chuckled and shook my head, "Let me rephrase that." I smiled, "You're fine being my boyfriend even if I am completely obsessed with you?"

"Totally." He smiled, "After all, I am completely obsessed and completely crazy over you Riley Langston."

I grinned at him foolishly, "Then let us be the crazy and obsessed couple there will ever be."

"That sounds weird." He muttered, his lips lowering near mine.

"We are weird."

With a happy grin, he laughed. "That we are." And with that, we kissed.

The Bad Boy Inside the White Suit [BOOK 4]Where stories live. Discover now