specially for me, and that he wants me to give him a chance to show me how he really feels about me. I dont know what to do, should I give him a chance or not? Im really confused TiNA helped me." I told her everything Alek and I spoke about, well not everything but the most important only.

She looks like she was thinking but I knew what she was about to say.

"What about Noah?" She asked after a few minutes.

I didnt know what to say. "Um, um, Im over him already, and you know that I had a crush on Alek on the ninth grade and maybe some feelings still exixt down deep of me. And about Noah I dont know what to say. Alek said that he could see the way he was looking at me when I left with him, it was like he likes me or something, but Noah really liked me he would probably made his move by now. Am I too good for him or what? Because we probably hooked up by now too. And I dont actually think he likes me, he even told me that he seems me like another little sister he has to look out for." I said alittle bit of disappoinment in my voice due to the fact that Noah only sees me as another little sister but I still has Alek right?

"Well I dont know what to tell you I cant make you choose. And I've seen the way Noah looks at you, it's a weird but kind of sweet look. But if I was you I would choose Alek, I'll give him a chance because I know my brother, he is bad news. Has lots of trouble with the law and stuff." She said looking at the door, making sure Noah or Nate were eavesdropping on our conversation.

"Yeah thats what I might do, give Alek a chance. Who knows maybe its not so bad after all and he really liked me." After I finished my sentence I saw Noah holding a

bouquet of white roses. He was just stading there speechless. Did he listen to our conversation?

"Noah what the hell are you doing? Are you eavesdropping on our conversation again?" Tina asked him alittle angry about it.

"No. Im just.I.. someone left this at the door for Sky and I came to give them to you but I see that you're too busy talking about your new boyfriend." He said sounding irritated and dropping the roses in table and rushed out the door.

"PShh whats his problems?"Tina asked while looking at the note that the roses had. "Its from Alek, awwww." She said handing me the note.

It read:

To the most beautiful girl on this world, I hope you think about it.


Awww that's really nice of him. I never knew he had a good side , haha he's soft. Noah! He came to my mind as I remember him getting irritated. Like Tina said, Whats his problem?

"Thats really nice of him. I think Im going to give him a chance. Not date, atleast not yet. We need to get to know each other better and then we'll see what happens." I said smiling to the note. "But I think Im going to go check on Noah and ask him whats wrong.OH, maybe its because he hates Alek's guts." I told Tina as I walked away with the bouquet of roses. She just laughed at me.

I looked for Noah but I couldnt find him, then I saw him with Nate at the tree house we all build when we were little. He looks angry. I couldnt hear very well but I heard something like " Why? Im losing her bro" and thats pretty much it because they stopped talking as soon as they heard me. Im for sure that they werent taking about me or were they?

"Noah can I talk to you for a second?" I asked standing under the tree, with alittle chills. It was kind of cold outside and I was wearing shorts with a tank-top.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asked upset, kind of screaming at me.

"Um ok fine you dont want to talk, you could have just told me nicely not screaming at me." I replied. A tear coming down my face and I just turn around to walk away, when his hand grabbed my arm and turned me around, face to face with each other.

"Im sorry Sky, I didnt mean to, I was just... Im sorry." He apolegize, looking at me straight in the eye.

"I..I.. I wanted to ask you,um if it bothers you if me and Alek um, got like together or something. Its that you two got in a fight and I dont want to.." I asked but he cut me off.

"What? You think it bothers me? No you can date who ever you want, its not of my business anyways." He said, but there was something in his voice that told me the opposite.

"No I was just wondering. Ok thats it I..I gotta go, Im kind of cool." I replied, letting my head down because I didnt wanted to meet his gorgeous eyes.

"Oh here take my jacket, dont worry just put it on my room when you're done using it. Dont keep it, its my favorite. Oh and dont dream about me while your smelling my scent." He gave his jacket and smirked at me when he said not to dream about him. And that dimple of his, its cute. I like it when he smiles.

"Thanks, and dont worry Im not the type of girl that would over react because you let me borrow your jacket." I said as I walked aways with Noah's jacket and of course I have to play around with him. Letting him know that Im not interested in him, or am I?

His jacket smells like him. Im wearing his favorite jacket, its nice. I get inside the house back to my room when I remember that I have to return it to him.NOO I want to keep it. I want to sleep with it, but I cant I dont wanna look like another crazy chick.

I go into his room and its all dark. Im trying to find the light switch when I tripped into something.

What in the world is this?

I hope you guys like it, for those reading.. votes??? :D 

Please and thank you:)




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