Homework, singing, no longer home

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Saphira pov
I breathed a sigh of relief when I got home from school I swear other teenagers can be annoying. I headed upstairs towards my room and closed door placing my bag on the bed once that was done I brushed my hair before braiding it then opened my bag and got my homework out which consisted of history and french. I finished my history first then moved onto french which took a little longer so I started to sing Embrace the Magic but what I didn't know was that an certain white barn owl was sitting at my window...
Embrace the Magic
So u have magic and it's not that great but when it found u you know it was fate and it might seem scary now but it can be wonderful, too so how about we embrace the magic and make the magic part of u? You take a little dash of magic and u let it ignite mix things up a little bit and it might start to go right in just five seconds flat how the story has changed all 'cause now you've embraced the magic and it just got better in every way
I say embrace the magic no more holding back, just let it out if you can take the magic and learn a little more what it can do once the magic is part of u what's standing in your way that you can't move today? You've got the strength in you to make your dreams come true
No need to shield yourself from the magic that can help protect from any harm that might come so you have magic and it's not that great but when it found u you know it was fate so if you listen close you might make a new friend and together we can make it! I say embrace the magic no more holding back, just let it out if you can take the magic and learn a little more what it can do
Once the magic is part of u
Once the magic is part of u
Once the magic is part of u
Once the magic is part of u
After I was done singing I noticed that my french homework was finished I smiled knowing that I work faster when I sing so I closed my history textbook with the packet inside and placed my books back in the bag which I set next to my bed. I heard a soft flutter of wings so I turned around and saw a white barn owl sitting in the tree in front of my window it fluttered it's wings again, I noticed that it's left wing looked damaged my gaze grew soft and concerned for the owl so I slowly walked towards the window and opened it the owl gave a soft cry and glided into the room landing on my desk so I closed the window and walked towards the owl I stretched out my hand only to have the owl try to bite one of my fingers I pulled my hand back a little and in a soft voice I said "I just want to help u your wing is damaged and u won't be able to fly if it's broken" I stretched my hand out again and gently touched the owl's left wing I sat down while examining the wing seeing that it wasn't broken and that it was just bruised so I got out the healing cream that my dad gave me since I have a snowy owl and opened the jar and put some of the cream on my fingers and gently rubbed it on the bruised area of the wing. I watched as the owl fluttered it's wings and stare at me with wide eyes I watched as the bruise slowly started to fade I smiled at the owl and said "well your wing is now healed" I held out my wrist allowing the owl to jump on my wrist so I walked over to the window, opened it and let the owl fly away I smiled as it landed back in the tree so I went and feed Snowdrop my snowy white owl who cried out happily I laughed at my feathered friend I then looked at the time and saw that it almost time to make dinner so I closed Snowdrop's cage and left the room to make dinner.
Jareth (Goblin King) pov
I was flying in the aboveground watching people run around when something hit my left wing, I gave a pained screech in my owl form while gliding into a tree landing safely on a tree branch. I looked around for the person who threw whatever hit me and saw a boy with brownish black hair and green eyes. I narrowed my eyes then turned my head so I could see my wing which was bruised from being hit, then I heard a soft yet beautiful voice singing, so I looked in the window I was sitting in front of and saw a girl with red hair that had light and dark blonde streaks and hazel eyes singing while working at a desk. I listened as she sang, her voice soothing my temper which had risen when I was hit by that boy and once she stopped singing, I was calm but the pain from my wing was getting to me so without a second thought I fluttered my wings getting her attention so I fluttered them again mentally wincing from the pain. I saw her eyes go towards my wing and they grew soft and concerned so I watched as she walked towards the window and opened it, I gave a soft cry of relief and glided into the room and onto the desk I saw her close the window and walk towards me. I saw her stretch out her hand and out of instinct since I'm in my owl form I snapped at her fingers making her pull back slightly, but she started to talk with a soft voice saying that she wanted to help me and her hand stretched out again but this time I let her touch my wing. I was surprised by how gentle she was slowly I started to relax under her fingers hardly noticing that she had sat down and pulled out a small jar, I almost cried out when she removed her fingers, but calmed as I felt them back on my wing. I felt something cool being rubbed on my wing then her fingers were gone and my wing started to hurt less and less so I fluttered my wings realizing the pain was gone I starred at the girl with wide eyes as she said "well your wing is now healed" I gazed at the child in wonder as she held out her wrist which I jumped on and she walked to the window, opening it and allowed me to fly away and landed back in the tree that I was in before I flew into her room. I heard a happy cry of another owl. I peeked back inside and saw a snowy white owl nuzzling the girls hand making the child laugh. I watched as the child glanced at the clock on the wall, closed the door to the cage and left the room closing the bedroom door behind her, so I left the aboveground and went back to the underground and stayed on my throne thinking about the child that helped me and why she seemed so familiar along with that boy.
Saphira pov
I was in the kitchen cooking dinner which consisted of Chicken Alfredo with garlic bread, my music was playing in the background. I was singing along with Sad Beautiful Tragic by Taylor Swift and once it was done dinner was ready and on the table which was set and ready. I heard clapping from behind so I turned around in surprise and blushed when I saw my parents standing there at the dining room entrance smiling and my mother's eyes shined with pride and love and she said "Saphira you have a beautiful voice" while my father said "sing more often phoenix" I blushed a deeper shade of red and said "thank u" I glanced at my brother who was glaring daggers at me.
2 hrs later
I was relaxing in my room reading Safe Haven when I heard an argument going on downstairs so I got off my bed and laid down my book, then opened the door and headed to the stairs and listened to what they were saying. I heard my brother, Alex saying "why do u treat her like she's so special it's not fair" my mother said "we don't treat her like she's special all we did was praise her on her singing" but my brother didn't believe them and he said "mother remember when u said that words have power" I saw my mother's eyes widen with fear and panic and she glanced at the stairs, her eyes meeting mine and she said "don't u dare say those words from The Labyrinth" I watched as my brother smirked and he said "I wish the goblins would take my sister away" my mother shrieked and I raced to my room when I heard Snowdrop crying out in fear and my mother ran into the room just as I got Snowdrop out of her cage. My window flew open as my mother ran to me and an owl flew in through my window my eyes widened as I recognized the owl as the owl I healed when it's wing was bruised. I watched as the owl shifted into a man, my mother pushed me behind her and almost in a snarl she said "Jareth she's not going with u" I peeked out from behind my mother as the man said "what's said is said nothing can change that Sarah and the boy is too young to run the labyrinth" Snowdrop gave a small cry of fear so I started to pet her wings to calm her down but the man, Jareth I believe that's what my mother called him turned his attention towards me. Snowdrop being protective of me fluttered her wings and cried out in an protective manner, but I calmed her knowing that her being angry wouldn't help and I said "your the barn owl that I healed" my mother turned to me in shock but also anger while Jareth gave a small smile and nodded while saying "yes child I am that very same owl and now I know why u helped me" his gaze now on Snowdrop I nodded and said "Snowdrop is the reason why I love helping those that are hurt especially by my brother" I saw his eyes light with recognition and he said "brownish black hair and green eyes" I nodded then narrowed my eyes and said "he's the one that hit your wing" he nodded while my mother looked like she wanted to wack my brother upside the head but at the same time protect and be angry with me. Snowdrop flew into the air and out of the room my confused gaze followed the owl as she left the room that was when we heard a very loud scream and ow echo through the house and then Snowdrop came back into the room with brownish black hair hanging out of her mouth I gazed at my owl in disbelief but at the same time amusement and said "well now I know who's side your on" she gazed innocently at me while letting the hair fall out of her beak I saw my mother looking at the owl's claws I looked at the them and saw small drops of blood I shook my head at my owl that was when I heard a loud voice say "WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON THAT OWL IT'S SO DEAD" I froze and my eyes darkened with anger just as my brother came into the room I got out my bow and an arrow and aimed at my little brother who starred in shock that I would aim at him, but he did the one thing I always warned him not to do and that was threaten my owl and in a voice that could be mistaken for a hiss I said "I warned u about threatening my owl Alex so I suggest turning around and leaving my room before u get hurt" he paled and ran from the room so I lowered my weapon then remembered that there were two other people in the room and turned my head and said "what are u staring at" that snapped them out of their shock and my mother said "well u did warn him when u first saved Snowdrop" while Jareth stared at me with amusement, but darkened when my mother said "go find your father and let me deal with this" I saw Jareth get ready to say something but I beat him to it by saying "u can't protect me forever and Alex did have a point when he said that u all treat me like I'm special just because I'm talented at certain things doesn't mean I love the attention that comes with those talents just let me go" my mother stared at me with a pained and angered gaze while I turned my gaze towards Jareth and said "if I go with u would Snowdrop be able to come as well" he had a thoughtful look in his eyes before saying "yes she can come with u" I gave a soft smile while my mother had a hardened look in her eyes that was when my father came into the room and he looked between all of us and said "now I know where all that magic was coming from" both me and Jareth looked at him with shock and both of us said "u knew about magic" we looked at each other a light blush crossed my cheeks and I quickly turned away and my dad said "yes I knew about magic mainly because Scotland is known for the magic within the highlands I just never really listened to the stories of the underground" I nodded still a little shocked while turning to Jareth who was also shocked but caught my gaze and he said "I believe it's time to go" I nodded and placed Snowdrop on my shoulder my hand grazing my bow and arrows which vanished into my glowing blue cresent moon necklace. I began to walk towards him when my mother gave a saddened yet angered cry and tried to grab for my wrist when I felt Jareth grasp my hand and pull me against his side while being mindful of Snowdrop. I watched as my father went to my mother and pull her back he gazed at me then back at Jareth who returned his gaze and my dad said "will u take care of her in the underground".
Jareth pov
When the girl's father asked if I would take care of her in the underground I gazed at the the child I held at my side and back at the man and said "I'll take care of her" he nodded and turned towards the child which reminds me I really have to learn either a nickname or her real name that was when the man said "take care phoenix" I looked at the man with wonder in my eyes as to why he would call her phoenix but then I looked at her and figured that the nickname came from the vibrant red of her hair. I saw "phoenix" gaze at her father and nod her head that was when I saw just how close these two were but I could tell that Sarah was angry at both her daughter and her husband mainly because she started to struggle to get to me and her eyes were wild with anger but the man held her and said "u know u can't protect her anymore, Saphira doesn't have a choice in the matter thanks to Alex" well now I know her real name but I saw that what her husband said only made her struggle more and Saphira moved more into my side. I knew as she moved into my side that she was tense with fear because of the way her mother was acting so I knew it was time for us to leave so I summoned one of my crystals and concentrated on where I wanted to go, and with that we left the room. We reappeared in my castle specifically in a well furnished room that she will be staying in. I watched as Snowdrop flew around the room enjoying her new surroundings when I felt a gentle pressure on my shoulder so I glanced over and saw that Saphira had fallen asleep but then again I couldn't blame her, with her brother wishing her away, the fighting between her and her mother, finding out her father knew about magic, her mother struggling to get to the both us with her eyes filled with anger. I saw Snowdrop land on the dresser next to the bed so I picked Saphira up bridal style and moved the blankets back then laid her down on the bed, covered her with the blankets then left the room reappearing in my own room and fell onto my bed immediately falling asleep.
Sarah pov
I was angry at my son for hitting the Goblin King in the wing allowing him to find my daughter who was supposed to make me rich with her talents but Alex had to ruin that by being a spoiled brat about not be treating like his sister. I snarled at my husband who left the master bedroom and went to Saphira's room and stayed there, but I stayed in the master bedroom thinking of a way to get her back from the Goblin King I kept on pacing back and forth until I was too tired to think about getting her back so I laid on the bed and went to sleep and dreamed of getting Saphira back and using her talents to get us rich.
Alex pov
I was smiling deviously and victoriously about sending my sister away to the Labyrinth. I laid on my bed and fell asleep with a smirk on my face and dreamed about getting all sorts of attention from my parents and that they forgot about Saphira.

This is the song that Saphira was singing at the beginning

These are the cresent moon necklaces that she was wearing

These are the cresent moon necklaces  that she was wearing

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Labyrinth 2 Saphira×Jareth(Goblin King)Where stories live. Discover now