The Magnificent Seven

Start from the beginning

"Beats me,"

"It's driving me crazy. I tell you, if it's gonna be war, I wish it would just start already,"

"I don't know, man. Be careful what you wish for.

*Just Outside Lincoln, Nebraska*

The next morning, Dean and Sam pulled up outside a farmhouse. Dean got out munching on a burger. The air was filled with sound of cicadas. "Hear those cicadas?" Sam asked.

"That can't be a good sign," Dean said

"No. No, it can't," they walked over to where Bobby stood next to his car

"So, we're eating bacon cheeseburgers for breakfast, are we?" Bobby greeted

"Well, I sold my soul. Got a year to live. I ain't sweating the cholesterol," Dean said

"So, Bobby, what do you think?" Sam asked getting back to the topic at hand "We got a biblical plague here or what?"

"Well, let's find out. Looks like the swarm's ground zero," Bobby replied

Dean pounded on the farmhouse door "Candygram!" No answer but cicadas chirping. Dean picked the lock and opened the door; they covered their noses in disgust.

"That's awful," Sam said

"That so can't be a good sign," Dean entered first, Sam behind him with a gun drawn. They creeped through the house, stopping in the second room, they can hear what sounded like panicked screams.

"You hear that?" They kicked open the next door; the sound turned out to be coming from a television set playing an episode of 'Dallas'; a family of three was seated on the couch, several days dead. Sam and Dean recoiled at the increased stench. "Oh, my god," Bobby entered through the other side of the room and also recoiled in horror "bobby, what the hell happened here?"

"I don't know," Bobby said

"Check for sulfur," Dean said

"Yeah," The three of them investigated the room; Dean heard a noise out front and whistled quietly, then signaled to the others that he's going to go check it out. Bobby and Sam circled around the other direction. Out front, Dean exited cautiously, gun drawn, and looked around. As he came around the house he was knocked to the ground by a man with a shotgun. A woman, came up behind him. Bobby came up from the other side "Isaac? Tamara?"

"Bobby." Tamara said "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same,"

"Heya, Bobby," Isaac greeted

Dean raise an arm pitifully from the ground and waved for attention "Hello. Bleeding here,"

*Isaac and Tamara's Place*

Dean was on the phone "Selina! That is a beautiful name. That's my sister's name, actually..."

"Honey?" Isaac voiced "Where's the Palo Santo?"

"Well, where'd you leave it?" Tamara asked

"I don't know, dear. That's why I'm asking,"

"Palo Santo?" Sam voiced

"It's holy wood, from Peru." Tamara explained "It's toxic to demons like holy water. Keeps the bastards nailed down while you're exorcising them." Sam swallowed hearing this, thankful Selina wasn't there. Tamara dug in a bag and pulled out a large, pointed stake. She handed it to Isaac with an affectionate smile.

"Thank you, dear," Isaac said

"You'd lose your head if it wasn't for me,"

"So, how long you two been married?" Sam asked

"Eight years this past June,"

"The family that slays together..." Isaac said

"Right." Sam sighed "I'm with you there. So, how'd you get started?" there was an awkward silence as Tamara and Isaac looked at each other, with hard memories "I, uh, you know...I'm sorry. It's not-that's none of my business,"

"No, no." Tamara said "It's-it's all right,"

"Well, Selina, if you look as pretty as you sound, I'd love to have an... 'appletini'." Dean made a face at the others at the word 'appletini' "Yeah. Call you." he hung up and addressed the group "That was the coroner's tech,"

"And?" Sam asked

"Get this-that whole family, cause of death? Dehydration and starvation. There's no signs of restraint, no violence, no struggle. They just sat down and never got up,"

"But there was a fully stocked kitchen just yards away," Bobby claimed

"Right." Sam agreed "What is this, a demon attack?"

"If it is, it's not like anything I ever saw, and I've seen plenty,"

"Well, what now?" Dean asked "What should we do?"

"Uh, 'we're' not gonna do anything," Issac argued

"What do you mean?" Sam asked

"You guys seem nice enough, but, this ain't 'Scooby-Doo'" Dean looked sad at the mention "and we don't play well with others,"

"Well, I think we'd cover a lot more ground if we all worked together,"

"No offense, but we're not teaming with the damn fools who let Devil's Gate get opened in the first place,"

"No offense?" Dean asked offended

"Isaac." Tamara admonished "Like you've never made a mistake,"

"Oh yeah, yeah. Locked my keys in the car, turned my laundry pink." Isaac admitted "Never brought on the end of the world, though,"

Dean chuckled "All right. That's enough,"

"Guys, this isn't helping. Dean-" Sam said quietly

"Look, there are couple hundred more demons out there now. We don't know where they are, when they'll strike. There ain't enough hunters in the world to handle something like this. You brought war down on us-on all of us," Isaac argued

Tamara pulled Isaac away "Okay. That's quite enough testosterone for now," Tamara and Isaac left the room.

"If Selina were here..." Dean huffed but shook his head, but Sam understood, if Selina had been there she would have teared those two apart.


Selina walked into a clothing shop and walked over to browse a couple of items of clothing. But her eyes weren't on the clothes, but on a redheaded man whom she had been tailing, the man approached a blonde woman. "Excuse me,"

"Yes?" The woman asked

The man placed a hand on her shoulder and nodded towards a shoe display across the room "Those are...nice shoes,"

The blonde woman looked over at the display "Oh, yeah. They are nice," The woman approached the display, where a brunette woman was looking at a pair of green pumps. She stared at them covetously. "Those are nice shoes,"

"Aren't they?" The brunette woman agreed

"I want them,"

"Sorry. Last pair," The brunette took them and went to the register; the blonde woman stared after her intensely and followed her out of the store.

"Excuse me. I want those shoes,"

"What, are you crazy? No." The blonde woman attacked, and grabbed the Brunette woman "What-what the-?" The blonde woman viciously slammed the brunette woman's head into the windshield of her car. She cracked her head and blood gushed out of her eye socket, staining the window. The blonde woman took the shopping bag and walked off, unconcerned.

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