The Magnificent Seven

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Sam sat in the Impala in the dark, reading a book with a flashlight. The header at the top of the page read 'Dr. Faustus', and there was information about Crossroads Deals. Sam looked up to see Dean inside the house across from him; he was wearing only an undershirt. Dean grinned and gave Sam a double-thumbs up, at which Sam shook his head, smiling fondly. A hot girl came into the frame off right, and Dean shut the sheer curtains; they can be seen undressing each other in silhouette. Sam smiled affectionately and turned back to his book, when his phone rang. "Hello,"

"Hey, Sam," Bobby greeted

"Hey, Bobby,"

"Whatcha doing?"

"Oh, same old, same old," Sam said

"You buried in that book again?" Sam grimaced at Bobby's question "Sam, you want to break Dean free of that demon deal, you ain't gonna find the answer in no book,"

"Then where, Bobby?"

"Kid, I wish I knew. So where's your brother?" Sam was surprised there wasn't any mention of Selina in the question, he looked back at the empty back seat and sighed.

Sam glanced up to see Dean frolicking in silhouette through the curtains "Polling the electorate,"


"Never mind,"

"Well, you boys better pack it up. I think I finally found something," with that Bobby hung up and Sam headed to the bedroom door, knocking on it he opened it slowly.

"Dean?" He entered the room "Dean, you-you conscious? Bobby called, and he thinks that maybe we-" he stared in horror as feminine moans and Dean's 'Whoo-hoo" was heard "Oh, god,"


Later, Sam and Dean were in the Impala, Dean driving. "Let me see your knife," Sam said

"What for?" Dean asked

"So I can gouge my eyes out,"

"It was a beautiful, natural act, Sam,"

"It's a part of you I never wanted to see, Dean,"

Dean chuckled and splpped Sam on the thigh "Hey, I appreciate you giving me a little quality time with the Doublemint Twins,"

"Yeah, no problem," Sam said quietly

"Really? Well, I got to say, I was expecting a weary sigh or an eye roll, something,"

Sam bit his tongue before he could say that he wasn't Selina "No, not at all. You deserve to have a little fun,"

"Well, I am in violent agreement with you there." Dean chuckled "What's Bobby got?" Sam noticed Dean's gaze go towards the back seat

"Not much. A crop failure and a cicada swarm outside of Lincoln, Nebraska. Ahh, could be demonic omens-"

Dean's gaze fell and he was back to looking at the road ahead "Or could just be a bad crop and a bug problem,"

"Yeah, but it's our only lead,"

"Any freaky deaths?"

"Nothing Bobby could find-not yet, anyway,"

"It's weird, man. I mean, the night the devil's gate opened, all these weirdo storm clouds were sighted over how many cities?"


"Seventeen. You'd think it would be 'Apocalypse Now,' but it's been five days and bubkis." Sam looked at Dean confused, unsure if he was talking about the demons or Selina "What are the demons waiting for?"

Selina Winchester Season 3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora