Anger rose in me. Why does she feel the need to insult or humiliate me everyday? Doesn't she have anything better to do?

"Marcie, right?" Ashton cut in. "Why don't you go and enjoy your lunch and let us enjoy ours. You can discuss all of this another time."

She smiled at him making jealousy instantly fill me. How dare she look at him that way.

"I'll only listen to you because you're extremely hot. But just so you know, you can do so much better than trash like her. When you want something good, call me."

She walked away with her posse flanking her. She sure has nerve doing that right in front of me. I hate her so much. More than Drake.

Hours Later

The last bell of the day rang and I rushed out of class, wanting to leave the school as quickly as possible. I got to my car and immediately took off to pick up Brandon. I hate my school. I wish I would've transferred to Ashton's school instead of Ashton transferring to my school. At his school I would've been able to get a fresh start.

Drake's P.O.V*

I laid in bed staring at my ceiling. I'm so confused right now. I know I said I would fight my feelings for Hayden, but now I'm not so sure. It would be better if Brandon has both his parents together. And we could all be a happy family. But how do I beat Ashton? I know I'm better than him, but Hayden seems to be so attached.

I wish I would've never kissed her. That just made everything worse. I can't get her out of my head and it's driving me crazy. The next time I see her, I'll just go with whatever happens. If I kiss her again, so be it. I'm not going to fight my feelings for her. Because deep down I know she feels the same thing,

I glanced at my clock and it read 5:30. I got up and went to find something to wear for the party tonight. I pulled out black jeans and a blue and white plaid shirt. I changed and then headed out to the address Delaney gave me.

Hayden's P.O.V*

The doorbell rang and I went to answer it knowing it's Kristie. I opened the door and she wore a big smile like usual.

"Ready to get beautified?" She asked, charging in.

"You know it."

I put Brandon down for a nap then we went to get ready. Kristie pulled a little dress with flowers on out of my closet.

"This would look so cute on you! You should wear it tonight." She looked around the room. "With these black heals and this cute necklace."

"Well that was easy/ My outfit is picked out. What are you wearing?"

Kristie pulled out a black dress that had a huge flower on the side made of sequins. She held it up to herself I could tell came above the knee and would cling to her body. She had black heals to go with it

"Is someone trying to get lucky tonight?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe." She smirked.

We dressed in our clothes and then went to do makeup and hair. Kristie applied red eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, and clear lip gloss. I applied blue eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, and pink lip gloss. I curled my hair and pinned my bang back. Kristie left her hair as it was.

A few minutes later the doorbell rang and I went to answer it. I opened the door and my 14-year-old neighbor was waiting for me.

"Sorry I'm a little early." She apologized.

"No, you're fine. I left a list of the things he likes to eat and when to put him to bed. He's napping right now so it should be a while until he wakes up. Help yourself to anything in the house."
I saw Ashton pull up in his car, Joey was sitting in the passenger seat. They smiled and waved at me.

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