Comincia dall'inizio

Fan kick, down , Front Walkover  to split jump, strut strut pose round off  backhand spring and walk out.
We walk into the den panting after 3 hours of practice , then we start telling jokes out of boredom.

It kills😂😂

"Did you hear about the 2 guys that stole a calendar ?"Skylar says.

"WHAT!?!?" we all ask in anticipation.

"They each got six months each! "She replied

"LOL!"We say as we burst out laughing at the terrible joke.

Few minutes later, Ms Grace(Mrs Dianna's assistant) pops her head into the den.

"Trio time " she says clapping.

We walk in and stretch while Ms Dia explains the concept of the dance.

"Okay... This dance about just dancing and having fun and seeing the best things of life but it requires lots of energy ."Mrs D explains

"So lets get started !" She concludes as we all stand up.

"Okay Kylie you start down stage left , Natalie you start down stage right and Maisey you're upstage center " Ms Dia says .

"Okay ... Chaines Front Walkover twice"

We start dancing and it is quite hard . We were 3/4 way done .

"Again!" Ms Dia shouted

We start again Ugh I'm tired.

"Natalie straighten your knees !"

"Maisey that face ain't gonna work itself !"

"Kylie your feet are completely sickled!"

"Kylie straighten your legs in that front aerial !"

Mrs Dia's voice echoes through the room.

"Kylieyou are the oldest , your technique should be looking five times better instead mediocre , I guess that what happens when you take 5 days off booty camp!"Mrs Dianna yells frustrated.

"We all have priorities honey , and if yours isn't dancing then you shouldn't be HERE YOU SHOULD BE ON COUCH LAZING AROUND EATING A BAG OF CHIPS !"Mrs Dia shouts

Kylie starts to cry and I feel bad for her. It's never good to be on Ms Dia's bad list .


"Send in Madeline please"

As we walk out I hug Kylie as she is bawling her eyes out .

Kendall's POV
What is wrong with Dianna ! How can she shout at my little girl for missing 5 days . It's just five days.

I go downstairs and I see my little Kylie crying I give her a hug. You know what I'm not going to fight with Dia my mum did and most times got me into trouble , so I ain't going to do it to Kylie

"I...I.. WANT TO GOOO" she sobbed .

"Don't worry Kylie , don't let her bring you down it was just 5 days so you are gonna clean your eyes and when its time for the group , you're gonna go in there and show her what the real Kylie is made of ."I say.

She wipes her tears and gives me a hug . Then I go upstairs as she walks into the den.

Madeline POV

I'm practicing my solo and I really like it cos it has all this advanced tricks in it and my mum did it when she was 8 .

When I dance I just try and let go and feel the music. Dance is my second home.

The music stops and Mrs Dia is crying .She comes and gives me a hug.

"You danced so beautifully , I love to see you grow up" Mrs Dia says giving me a high five .

"Go call Nadia " she continues.

I leave the room and tell Nadia Mrs Dia wants her.

Nadia POV

I go in to complete the last quarter of my solo Mrs Dia says I have to show facial express because its Musical Theater .

"Okay Nadia , Chaines fouetté and fouetté and a triple pirouette and hand flick and down "Ms Dia says as I hit every move she says.

"That's good " she says giving me a high five "Just straighten your legs on the ending and you're good to go!"She says as I nod tiredly.

"Good night Nadia " she says as I exit the room.

I enter the den and grab my coat say goodbye to Mads,Natalie and Skylar as they were the only ones left .

I enter the car with my Mum and we go home.

Hope you guys like this chapter and comment more ideas to make the book better .More drama .

Word Count :1015

Dance Moms Next GenerationDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora