A Way Back Home {A Hunger Games Fan fiction}

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A Way Back Home

Chapter One: Another Normal Day

‘Rachel, where are you?’ a blonde girl called. She was slender and tall, her blonde hair was pulled up into a messy bun. The girl was dressed in a simple summer dress with a pair of brown tattered boots. The girl was walking around a large open lush green field, looking all around her to find this ‘Rachel ‘girl.

‘Where could she be?’ the blonde haired girl asked herself. Pacing around slowly on the field she noticed that there was a start of a dusty winding path. Taking a choice to follow it, she looked over her shoulder to make sure, that she had memorized the path behind her, just in case she got lost. Thinking smartly, like the girl she was, she decided that she would stick to the path and try not to lead a stray from it, as she knew it was foolish to get lost in a place that was unknown to her.

Walking down the winding path, she smiled to herself looking at the beauty of her home, the beautiful trees that covered everywhere, the wild flowers that grew everywhere; her home was in some sort of a way a paradise. Step by step she was taking every single thing in. Suddenly she came to a halt as the winding path had come to an end. She frowns a little. Scanning the area she noticed that the patches of tree area had stop, she was in a clearing of only grass, and right in the middle of the clearing there was a giant willow tree. The girl noticed another girl resting under the tree.

‘Rachel! There you are!’ she cheered.

The raven haired girl looked up at the blonde haired girl and simply smiled,’Oh hey Issy!’

Issy shook her head and walked closer to the girl, her hands were on her hips, ‘we were looking everywhere for you.’

Rachel smiled and laughed lightly,’Hehe sorry I kinda chilling out, I got comfy and I kind of didn’t want to leave here, until I had to.’

Issy giggled lightly at her friend, ‘I know you lazy bum! You are always so relaxed and commutable. Even on days like this.’ Her head lowered a little.

‘Oh yeah,’ Rachel said, ‘Thanks for bringing that up.’

‘Sorry’ Issy muttered.

Rachel grabbed a random rock and threw it at her head,’Hey don’t turn all sappy on me, today is just another normal day.’

Issy rubbed the spot on her head’Hey that hurt y’know!’

Rachel smiled her cheeky grin,’ Good cause it was meant too!’

Issy took a spot next to Rachel, ‘Rachel can I ask you something?’

‘Well you already did, but go ahead anyway...’ she teased.

Issy looked at the opening off the forest, the loose stands of hair wiping her face, ‘Do you ever get scared?’

Rachel looked at her and began throwing rocks into the nothingness,’ Issy we all are scared, but it is something we all go through every year, you kind of become use to it.’

‘Yeah, I know that Rach, but what, what if one of our names are pulled out of the reaping?’

Rachel laughed,’Naa the chances are slim Issy, come on it is more like to be Vicky’s name that is pulled out of the reaping, I mean that girl was like millions of entries in there.’

‘I guess you are right, you know.’ Issy said.

‘I am always right!’ she said with a reassuring smile.

Issy looked up at the sky; it was starting to get darker than before, ‘Maybe we should be heading back.’

‘Do we have to?’ Rachel joked around.

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