19. This cannot be happening.

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Elena's POV

Did I hear correctly or was my ears deceiving me?

"WE AREN'T GIVING HER AWAY!" Alex growled his fists ready to pummel someone into the ground and beat them to a pulp.

"I NEVER SAID WE WERE!" Jake spat at Alex. "I wouldn't give my sister up even if it meant I had to give up my own life!"

"Guys stop arguing!" Carol butted in now standing in between the two guys her hands pressed firmly against both of their chests.

"FUCK OFF YOU WHORE!" Alex screamed at Carol  causing her to stumble backwards into Jake with fear in her eyes.

"Speak to a lady properly." Jake hissed glaring at Alex.

I kept taking footsteps backwards until my back hit the couch and I slid slowly onto the ground and hid my face into the palm of my hands. Every noise began to die down and mute itself and as I looked up I realized that Alex and Jake were verbally abusing one another while Carol stupidly tried to stop it; I know she had no chance of splitting them up but hey it was worth a shot for her.

Suddenly, I felt a warm hand land on my shoulder and as I turned my face slightly to the right I saw Trevor open her eyes slightly and stare at me lovingly.

"It'll be ok." He mouthed and did his best to smile for me. "Alex will be there for you."

"Thanks, I love you but..." I looked over at Alex lovingly and half smiled but I could soon feel my eyes grow misty so I hugged my knees tighter. I tried not to, I did, but one perfectly round drop edged down my numb cheek. It fell onto the wooden floorboards of the cabin. I buried my head in my hands out of shame and sorrow, more salty droplets seeped from my eyes. "... only as a friend. The person I love doesn't want me anymore."

I looked weak and that was the one thing I did not want to look. But worst of all, I felt weak, I felt powerless and all I wanted to do was cry.

Here I was with one of the worst lives I had ever encountered or heard about; mine. The love of my life thought I loved someone else and wouldn't give me the chance to explain, I was constantly being hurt and hunted, my best friend was recovering from near death, people around me were dying, everyone important to me would die if I didn't give myself over but most importantly I would never live in peace or be able to have a normal life.

Slowly, I lifted my head back up only to see Trevor back to sleep without a care in the world (I wish I could be like him; brave, bold and bloody amazing). I took a couple of breaths before realizing that there was a ringing noise coming from upstairs ... my phone.

Jumping up from my seat I ran upstairs to go get it seeing as everyone else was currently caught up and they were all busy.

As I ran to my room the ringing got louder and louder, I quickly slammed the door open before pulling my drawer and grabbing the phone.

UNKNOWN was what it read, I know like a time like this I should probably ignore it and go downstairs and stop the argument before one of them ripe the other's head off but I felt a sudden urge to swipe the screen so that it would answer the phone call and stupidly enough that was exactly what I did.

"Hey there, princessa." A deep hoarse voice chuckled instantly sending cold and frightening shivers down my spine.

Fear became a living force that crept over me like some hungry beast, immobilizing me and causing me to stand as still as I had ever stood. I could feel the flight responses kick in, increasing my heart rate, flooding me with added adrenaline, but the fear; the beast holding me captive took control of my entire being.

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