Happy News (May)

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Year 2565, February 19 11:05PM, Premiere Cinemas

The movie just finished and M held my hand as we stepped out of the theater. I was not able to pay attention to the actual movie. But M kept telling me animatedly how cool the fight scenes were.

"Did you see them jump from one building to the other using the car?" M asked me, looking at me with those excited eyes of his. "It was so cool." Thoughts were running through my head and I was not able to share his enthusiasm.

It was the last day of the week. And, it was only the second time we saw each other this week. M is very busy these days with working for his father's construction firm. Meanwhile, I was busy with writing my master's thesis in preparation for my graduation. We had been going out since our sophomore year in college. And two months ago, to celebrate our anniversary, we went to Koh Samui for a vacation.

When I did not answer, M looked at me with deep concern, "Are you OK, May?" I looked at him and thought what words do I use to tell him about the news. I tried opening my mouth, but I closed it again. Trying my best not to tear up.

He waited for me to answer, just like those times he patiently waited for me to open my heart to him. When I still didn't answer, he dragged me to a bench nearby and sat me down. He then knelt in front of me while looking at my face for any clues.

He touched my forehead, and his hand felt to cold from holding the soda for too long, but at the same time I felt a different warmth coming from his eyes while he looked at me directly. "Are you feeling sick?"

I looked at him blankly. "I'm fine," I said softly. Again the nervousness crept in. What could his reactions be if I tell him? I feel so distraught. I honestly don't know what to do. And I haven't told anyone as of yet...

"M," I started to say. He looked at me, while smiling softly, but I looked down. "I'm..."

"Hmm?" M muttered. I started tearing up, and he looked quite alarmed. "What's wrong? Do you want to go to the hospital?" He held my face up so I could look at him and wipe my tears away. His eyes were full of love and concern. And these finally gave the courage to tell him.

"M, I'm pregnant." I told him and he stared at me blankly. My heart started beating rapidly once more. He stared at me impassively and opened his mouth. I looked down then and saw his hands holding mine. I was afraid to look up and see his reaction.

"Are you sure?" His voice was weak, a tint of surprise, but I still can't read them if he is sad or happy.

Trying not to tear up again, I nodded. "I tried with two tests this morning." My period is quite regular and when I missed it last week I started to panic. I only had the courage to buy the pregnancy kit last night. And when it showed that I was positive, I tried sleeping on  it, then did the test this morning. It showed the same result.

All of a sudden, his strong arms embraced me and we both stood up. I looked at him and he is smiling so happily. Finally, I can ease my worries away. He started asking me over and over if it is real, jumping up and down, while holding me. "Let's go to the doctor tomorrow to make sure." I told him. He looked at me fondly and I can see he was tearing up as well.

Amidst the people looking at us as if we're crazy, I felt his lips touching mine. "May, I love you!" he said. "Let's get married..."

It was my turn to be speechless. I was so happy. I nodded and hugged him tight.

SOTUS: The Adult YearsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon