A Father's Love

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Wolffe smiled as he looked at his son. He was currently in his barracks room with Rex, Lucky, Grim, and Rancor. The four other clones were happily taking turns holding Saber, and trying to predict what he would be like when he grew up. It was possible he was Force sensitive like his mother and grandfather. That is what they were all guessing anyways.

Suddenly Master Plo entered the room. He looked around at the clones and then to Saber. The one person he hoped to find wasn't here. She wasn't in the Jedi Temple either. "Sorry to interrupt, but have you seen Nesi?"

Wolffe frowned. "Not since this morning. Why?"

"We got into an argument this morning and I told her to go rest. Now she isn't anywhere in the Temple and she isn't answering her com," he said shaking his head.

"That's unlike her," Wolffe said looking to his feet.

"I'm worried about what she will do in her state," Master Plo said grimly.

Wolffe nodded. "Let me make a call," he said a sigh.

Soon an image of Maul was before them. The zabrak tilted his head to the side as he looked at Wolffe. "Hello... what was it? 3636?"

"Its Wolffe," he growled. "Is Nesi there?"

Maul shook his head. "Never heard of her."

He rolled his eyes. "Gore. My mate, your daughter?"

"Oh," Maul said with a chuckle. "Yes, she is here. Why?"

"Don't play dumb," Wolffe growled. "You probably know all about what went down this afternoon and many other things."

Maul crossed his arms, his expression turning very serious. "It isn't my fault she is having issues in the Republic. She needed someone to listen and give advice. Apparently you weren't good enough."

"Well, I..." Wolffe trailed off. Why didn't she come talk to him? She usually came to him when something was bothering her.

"Father, who are you talking to?" Gore's voice said, but her image couldn't be seen.

Maul looked away for a moment, she must have been behind him. "No one important. Go rest, you've had a long day."

"Maul, let us talk to her," Master Plo said stepping into his view.

At the sound of her master's voice, Gore appeared. "Master? Wolffe?"

"Hi, General," Wolffe said bitterly.

Gore frowned. "What have I done now?"

Master Plo sighed. "I was looking for you because of how our conversation ended earlier."

She looked away. "I'm sorry about earlier, Master. I should trust yours and Master Yoda's judgment."

"You've had a sudden change of heart," he noted.

Gore nodded. "Talking with my father and resting here really helped."

"Never imagined someone could feel rested around Maul," Wolffe muttered.

"I'm glad you have calmed down. Come back soon please, people might get suspicious other wise," Master Plo said gently.

"Of course, Master," she said with a bow.

His image disappeared and just left Wolffe, who was glaring at Maul. "Please come home," Wolffe said looking to her.

"I'll be back around dinner, okay?" She said with a sigh.

He frowned. "Why not now?"

Gore looked away. "Wolffe, I need time away from the Republic and the Jedi. I'm not mad at the Council or anything, I just...I need time for me."

"Time for you?" Wolffe asked confused. "You are a Jedi, dedicated to the Republic. You are supposed to put them first."

"Wolffe, I am fully aware of my duties," she said trying to remain calm.

"Alright. Fine. I'll see you later," he said with a sigh and his image disappeared.

Gore sighed as she walked over to a window and looked out at the city. It was still strange for her to be here with her father. She never imagined that her life would lead to this. It wasn't bad, she actually enjoyed it most of the time. Her life was proof that things don't always go as planned. At one point in time she was dead set on being a Nightbrother, and eventually traveling the galaxy with her father. Then Master Koth came into her life. Young Gore had hoped to gain more power from the Jedi so she could find her father, and when she finally found him she made the decision to stay with the Republic. Gore suddenly started to ask herself why she stayed. What kept her from staying with her father? Wolffe. Gore wasnt staying for the people or the Jedi, she was staying for an attachment.

Maul sighed and walked over to his child. The years had changed them both. At one point in time, his little girl could have been powerful with the dark side of the Force. Now here she was, a Jedi. The very thing he had been taught to hate. Sidious had contacted him after the incident with his grandchild, Saber. His former master wanted him to kill his only child. As he watched Gore he thought about what the Sith had said, he was going to offer the position of assassin back to him. Somehow Sidious knew that Gore would end up coming to him at some point, and here she was. Maul grabbed his lightsaber and held it in his hand. He could easily grant her a swift death, she was a worthy opponent and didn't deserve to suffer. Maul closed his eyes. 

Gore turned and looked at her father. She had sensed him come closer, and she sensed he was deeply troubled. Then she saw him holding his lightsaber in his hand. It wasn't ignited, but she suddenly knew what was troubling him. "He told you to kill me, didn't he?"

Maul opened his eyes and opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Gore saw the pain in his eyes as he nodded slowly.

Gore took a deep breath and moved directly in front of him. She stared into his eyes and nodded. "Figured he would."

Thoughts raced through Maul's mind. All he could see was the little baby he held on Dathomir. "Gore... I... I'm-"

She held her hand up. "Don't talk. Don't apologize. You are obviously still loyal to this mad man. I won't force you to go against him as I have. It takes a lot of courage and faith to defy someone like him. You know me, I have no fear of death. The Force is with me. I hope one day you will know that it is with you as well, and not as a tool for power," Gore said and closed her eyes.

Gore heard her father's lightsaber ignite. She continued to stand tall and proud. Several thoughts started to run through her mind. What would Saber and Wolffe think? Her mate already didn't like Maul, so this wouldn't help the situation. Would the Council heed her warnings and get rid of Sidious? Hopefully they would. She started to wonder exactly how it would feel to be impaled or cut with a lightsaber. Wolffe explained it after he lost his eye, and it didn't sound like something she would want to experience for extended periods of time. Then Gore heard the hum from her father's lightsaber as it neared her skin, and more importantly, she felt the searing pain.

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