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The Selection. She saw Savage Opress and Feral among other Nightbrothers. Asajj Ventress was looking for a mate, she assumed when she saw her. Savage won. The Nightsisters gave him power, they changed him. He became a monster. Ventress was using him for something and it didn't go as planned, he became too hard to control. Now Mother Talzin was sending him on a mission. But to to do what? To look for something...No, someone.

Gore did her best to retell the story of her vision to Master Plo and Master Yoda. Savage had recently gone to Devaron and killed a Jedi Master and his apprentice. She feared what was coming next. Gore knew deep down that Savage would go and search for her father and he would drag her along. She didn't yet understand why Savage was coming too, and she didn't want to find out.

"This was one of the Nightbrothers you grew up with?" Master Plo asked.

"He trained me a few times," she said gently.

Master Plo rubbed his chin. "You mentioned that the talisman you took from the bounty hunter was from Mother Talzin. Did you ever find out why?"

She nodded. "I was told it would start glowing when a fellow Nightbrother was near, and that a Nightbrother would be sent when it was time to search for someone."

"A disturbance in the Force, there is," Master Yoda said with a frown.

"Master Yoda, I firmly believe my father is alive and that Savage will look for him," Gore said after taking a deep breath.

"It is as you feared," Master Plo said looking to Yoda.

"Masters, I will be called upon to search for him. I know it is risky due to what my father once was, but I think it would be in out best interest for me to go with Savage," she said looking to her feet. "If my father does return, you might need me to inform you of what is going on. I could be your eyes and ears on the inside, and maybe even put a stop to him."

Master Yoda was silent for a moment. "Go with him, you will. Discover the truth, you must."

Gore bowed. "Yes, Master."

"I know he is your father, but please be careful Padawan," Master Plo said gently.


Gore cursed as she followed after Savage, the brute had attracted the authorities after he choked a woman at a diner. He was currently playing with dirt he had found on a crate and was looking at the amulet Mother Talzin had given him. She noticed the glowing from the amulet when he messed with the dirt. Gore spotted a ship and tapped Savage's shoulder. He growled and quickly smacked her hand away. "Leave me alone, I'm thinking!" He said glaring at him. Gore rolled her eyes. "Don't think too hard, you might hurt yourself, Uncle Savage."

Uncle. That was a new twist. At least she had been with family growing up. She honestly liked the old Savage better, but this is what she had to deal with. Gore quickly sneaked onto the ship and waited. While he was snappy and sometimes impatient, he wasn't stupid. Savage would find out sooner or later that he needed on this ship.

Savage managed to jump on board before the door closed. He demanded to be taken to where the cargo had just come from. Now they were on their way to Lotho Minor. For the duration of the trip Gore relaxed in the cargo hold. She didn't feeling like being to close to Savage at moment. He wasn't the man she grew up with. The trip didn't seem to take long and when they arrived Gore walked out ahead of Savage. He kept looking at that amulet, it Gore's opinion he relied on it too much.

Gore turned around when she heard him shouting. The amulet must have gone out again. She didn't need that silly trinket. Gore could feel her father's presence. It was faint and broken but she knew he was here. She looked back over to see her uncle pounding on a piece of metal and then he was stomping all over an Anacondan. "Savage smash," she said with a chuckle and he glared at her, but opted not to say anything. He was much more interested in the talking snake.

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