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"Falling in love..."

Chapter 11

(Villas POV)

"Thanks," I said as I got out the car. "I'll see you later."

I ran up the steps to my house and opened the door. I didn't see anyone downstairs so I ran upstairs and there James was sitting with two empty Vodka bottles.

"James, what the hell is going on? Where are my kids?" I asked.

He sat up. "They're gone."

"What do you mean?" I asked starting to get scared.

"We got in a car accident yesterday. I... I swear I strapped them in their car seats!" he started crying. "A truck ran into the side of us and it killed them... Why couldn't it have hit me!? Why my kids!?"

My heart started beating triple the way it normally beats. I felt like a piece of me was just taken away from me. I wanted to kill somebody. I wanted to just hold them one more time. One more time!

I looked at the ground. "Where are my kids? I WANNA SEE MY KIDS!" Tears started to fall. "I want my kids.... please bring me my kids!"

(Omniscient POV)

Villa sat on the floor and started crying. James cried with her.

Villa felt guilty. She felt like this was her fault. If she hadn't went out with Chris, she figured none of this would've happened.

"WHY? Why my children? Lord, please bring them back! Take me instead!" she cried into James's shirt.

She felt like her heart was literally taken from her. She didn't know how she could live without her kids. They were so young, Villa wished she could of stayed home yesterday or even just touch and kiss them one last time.

"Who hit them?" she asked as she tried to control her crying.

"Some truck. I took down all his information."

"Was he from a trucking company?" She asked.

He nodded. "We were at a green light. As soon as I started going straight ahead he hit us from the right side. I don't understand how he did this? His light was definitely red."

"I'm suing that trucking company! He killed our kids... My little babies."

They were so sad. Villa ignored everyone's calls. She felt like she was somewhat responsible because she wasn't there. She wished she had been there. She wished she was the one that had gotten hurt instead of her kids. She loved her kids so much. They were her everything.


The funeral for the kids took place a week later. Villa had invited only people she trusted and cared about.

Alicia walked in looking very sad. She couldn't believed this happened to Villa. She couldn't imagine life without Ace, so she just knows Villa is devastated.

She walked in and gave Villa a very long hug. She wanted to let her know she would always be there for her.

Everyone took their seats as the funeral started. The preacher started preaching and every once in a while someone called out a "amen".

Villa had on her black Prada sunglasses. She didn't want anyone to see her cry so she decided to wear sunglasses.

James, who sat next to Villa, seemed depressed. He had tears in his eyes but he didn't want to cry. This was hard for both himself and Villa.

Villas sister, Vane stood up and went to speak.

"Hello everyone." She sounded very sad as well. "My twins... I'm still in shock that this happened. Kylie and Kyle were two of the most beautiful kids to walk this earth. They were taken from us way to early but it's the will of God and they are in a better place now." She sniffled and wiped her tears. "Kylie was the first born. 11 minutes older than Kyle. She had this Beautiful smile that could brighten up the whole world. I remember when I babysat them for my sister. I was tickling her and her smart mouth butt says, her exact words, "it's not nice to touch a lady like this."

Everyone started laughing. Even Villa cracked a small smile as she thought about her daughter and her smart mouth.

"Kyle. He was my little man. My partner and crime." She wiped some falling tears. "He was so sweet. Always looking out for somebody. I remember when he had a ice cream cone but his sisters's ice cram cone fell on the ground. She started crying and Kyle generously gave her his ice cream cone and gave her a hug. He was so sweet..." She looked at the ground and sniffled. "I'm sorry.. this is hard for me to do." she apologized for her crying. "I made a video. This video includes the twins being silly and few pictures of them."

She pressed play on her computer and the video, which was being projected on the wall, started.

Villa started crying as she saw the videos of her kids. It broke her heart that they weren't here anymore. There was even a picture of all of them: Kyle, Kylie, Villa, and James. This picture broke her heart. She wished she could hold them just one more time but she knew she couldn't.

(Villas POV)

Days had passed and I was going through depression. James was coping with his depression by drinking. Every night he came in drunk.

I was trying to deal with this as good as I could but it was hard. Everyday I came in the house, I looked at their pictures and I just couldn't help but cry.

Even though I sued the company for killing my children, I'm still not happy. No justice is served if I can't have my kids back.

I was laying in my bed eating a bowl of ice cream when I heard a knock on the door. I sighed as I stood up to go get the door.

I didn't want any company if it wasn't my kids.

"Who is it?" I said dryly.


I sighed and opened the door. She walked in and gave me a big hug.

"Hey, Vil. How you feeling?" she asked

I sighed. "Not good at all. I'm still getting used to not hearing my babies voice. It's so hard."

"I can only imagine. Villa, maybe you need to see a ps-"

"No, don't suggest I see anyone. Those people don't help with anything! They just learn all your business and get paid for it!"

"You might be right. I just want you to get better." Alicia said as we both took a seat on the couch.

"You know, this isn't easy. I sit here on this couch and cry everyday. My kids used to sit on this couch and watch tv. They used to lay with me and tell me they loved me on this couch..."

"Aww, Vil.." Alicia said softly.

"I'm going to be okay. It's just going to take time... A lot of time."


Authors Note:

Just a quick update.

Next chapter will be longer...

Love you guys 💕😏

- Author

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