Chapter 20 - The Luckiest.

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Dally's POV

"Babe, I'm home!" I called out, closing the front door behind me.

"In the bedroom!"

A smile made its way onto my face as I set down the grocery bags on the kitchen counter. It all felt so real, so right. Coming home to Sodapop felt like I was coming home to my husband.

"Is that your last box?" I asked as I leaned against the door frame, watching as Soda took a few books from the box at his side and placed them on the short bookshelf.

"Yeah, this is the last of them," he grinned, looking up at me with his big brown eyes from the floor.

"Here, let me take that for you," I offered, picking up the empty box. I held out my hand to him and helped him up before leading him to the kitchen. "I'm going to go throw this in the recycling bin, help yourself to some pizza, okay?"

"Okay," he replied, already grabbing cups and plates from the cabinets for us.

I couldn't believe my luck. I was truly the happiest I had ever been in my life. It had only been three days of living with Soda, and they were the best three days of my life. Every morning I got to wake up next to the love of my life, I got to have three meals a day at our table with him, I got to watch tv shows before bed and fall asleep with him in in my arms. I was the luckiest guy in the world.

My brows furrowed as I came back into the house, hearing Soda talking to someone. "Is he okay?" he asked.

As I entered the kitchen, Soda was talking on the house phone (our house phone). We made eye contact and I quickly mouthed to him, "Who are you talking to?"

"Pony," he mouthed back before speaking aloud once again. "But he's okay now?"

I grabbed my plate from the table and got a slice of pizza, glancing at Soda in worry.

"Okay, that's good. Look, I'm about to have dinner with Dally, but I'll talk to you tomorrow. Maybe we'll meet up?" He looked at me, and I smiled with a nod, letting him know we didn't have any plans.

"See you tomorrow, then. I love you, Pony, talk to you later."

"Is everything okay?" I asked once Soda hung up and set the phone on the counter.

"Yeah, apparently Johnny hit his head pretty hard yesterday, but he's doing well."

"Pony didn't rush him to the hospital?" I joked.

"No, but I bet he wanted to," Soda laughed, making a smile spread across my face once again.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" I whispered, placing my pizza back on my plate and folding my arms in front of me.

A blush coated his cheeks, and he looked down at the table. I reached out, tilted his chin up and pressed our lips together.

"I love you, Sodapop Curtis."

"I love you too, Dallas Winston."


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Well, I guess that's the end... If you have questions/comments/statements be free to leave them here. I'd love to read/answer them. I hope you guys enjoyed this :))


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