Chapter 10 - I Promise.

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Soda's POV

I had been walking around town in the night for a while. To be honest, I was getting a little worried. I couldn't find Dally at any of his usual hangouts. I had even run into a few of his buddies that he hung out with when he was in a real bad mood.

Dally was a tough guy and he had even been to juvie a few times. The most previous time he had spent locked up was his first time in jail. Dally was different from the rest of our gang. Every once in awhile he needed to go out with some of his other buddies to go for a drink and maybe even mess around a bit. I hoped he wasn't in trouble. He wasn't with his buddies. He was alone. I was alone.

As thoughts of Dally all beaten up in an ally, the worst of all my thoughts, ran through my mind, I heard the engine of a car behind me. I turned and needed to squint my eyes as lights blinded me. Sirens pierced through the air as the police car whizzed past me, heading south down the road. The road was leading towards my house.

My heart hammered in my chest as more worry, this time for my brothers, flooded my body. I didn't even think about my actions before I was sprinting towards my home. The streets were dark and empty and I almost tripped a few times, but finally, after what had to be fifteen minutes of running, I turned the corner and my house came into my line of vision.

The sirens were off, but lights were still emitted from the vehicles. Some of the neighbors were standing on their porches, (if they had one) trying to figure out what was going on, while others were choosing to ignore the event as they were so used to this kind of stuff happening on this side of town.

I instantly began jogging towards the commotion, hoping no one had gotten hurt. As I got closer, I felt an instant sigh of relief rush through me as I saw Dally walking past the police cars, unscathed. I didn't even think before I ran straight toward him and almost knocked him to the ground as I tackled him with a hug. My arms were as tight as I could make them around his shoulders, and I wasn't planning on letting go. However, Dally didn't seem to agree.

"Soda?" Dally asked as he gripped my arms carefully and unwrapped them from around himself.

I stared up at him and couldn't help the tears that started to form in my eyes. My emotions were all out of whack. I felt overwhelmed. The adrenaline was still pumping through me from the run I had gone on moments before. Worry was still in my chest at the thought of my brothers being hurt. I was worried Dally was mad at me for my blowup. "I'm sorry," I croaked out.

His eyes softened as he looked down at me. "What happened at the movies?"

"I'm sorry," I repeated. I was just nervous and jumpy and I felt like I couldn't breathe and I just blew up."

Dally released a big breath out of his lungs as he looked up at the night sky. I could tell he didn't want to fight, but I also knew what I did had hurt him. I had rejected his affection in public. I really wanted him to forgive me.

I reached my arms up again and let my fingers slip into the hair on the back of his head. I tilted his head down to mine, stood on my toes, and kissed him with as much passion I could muster. I could tell he was shocked, but soon enough, our lips were moving in harmony. I felt his smile through the kiss and I couldn't help my own that began to form. Our smiles made it harder to kiss, but we didn't stop. I rubbed my fingers in circles on his head and honestly didn't give a fuck about who could see. I was the happiest guy in the world.

We didn't want to break apart, but hearing my front door slam open was a good reason to. Dally turned around to face the door and my eyes widened at the sight. Ponyboy Curtis was being led out of his own home in silver handcuffs that costed more than we had in our emergency money box.

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