Chapter 11 - We'll Fight for Them.

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Soda's POV

"Steve, do you have an extra ratchet driver?" I called to him over the sound of metal banging and idle chatter from the few girls who were standing by the entrance of the garage.

"Yeah, heads up!" Steve replied as he tossed the tool to me over the car he was working on.

I caught the tool and turned back to the rusted truck I had been working on since the day before. As I began to work again, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and a smile adorned my face. I glanced at the clock that was hanging from the wall along with many tools and old license plates. "My break starts in ten," I spoke with my head turned slightly to the left. I felt the scruff of a shadowed beard on my neck and jaw as soft hair tickled my ear.

"Mmm, ten seconds?" he whispered in my ear before placing light kisses on my neck.

"Dally!" I laughed as I pushed him away and threw the used rag that was hanging on my shoulder at him. "Ten minutes, go do something until then."

He whipped me with the gray rag and smiled before throwing it back at me. "But I am doing something. I'm watching my favorite little worker boy."

I looked up from the truck again to see Dally sit on a stool with a goofy smile on his face, still looking at me. A smirk grew on my face. "Little?"

I watched the lust fill his eyes as he bit his lip. When he spoke, his voice had dropped an incredibly sexy octave. "Okay, maybe my favorite not-so-little worker boy."

"Would you two stop flirting? It's disgusting!" Steve teased and the girls by the door looked shocked. They probably didn't know I was gay and dating Dally. They always came to the garage to flirt with Steve and I, but we only saw them as more money in our pockets considering none of them had dicks for me and Steve liked this other girl he used to go to school with. Besides, I had Dally.

"You're just jealous!" Dally shouted and wrapped his arms around me from behind, rocking our bodies as I laughed.

"Okay, okay, I need to work!" I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips.

Dally kissed my cheek before going back to sit on the stool and I began to work again.


"Baby?" I heard Dally call from the front door before the sound of it slamming echoed throughout the house.

I walked out of our bedroom and towards his voice. "Yeah, I'm here. What's up?" For the past month we had been fixing up this old house Dally knew about. I wasn't very comfortable in it at first because it wasn't only a new house to me, but it was where Dally went when he was hiding from the cops. But, with Dally here, by my side at night, I just feel so safe.

As I turned a corner and saw Dally by the door, looking down at an envelope in his hand, I felt an overwhelming feeling of happiness fill me. He looked up and a small smile appeared on his face when he saw me staring at him. He lifted his left arm towards me as I blushed. I quickly walked over to Dally and slipped under his arm, loving the feeling of being so close to him.

"What's that?" I whispered, looking at the envelope in Dally's hand.

"This is supposed to be the information about the trial for Pony and Darry."

"Did they get a lawyer yet?"

"They were supposed to be assigned one. That's what Darry told me when I visited last week, but I want to see if we can find one that's affordable."

"Babe, you know we don't have that kind of money."

"Yeah, I know. I think I know some people who have connections though. Maybe they can do us a favor."

I only sighed and we stood in each other's arms for a bit. "Should we open the letter? See how long we have?"

"Yeah, I guess," he breathed out, but didn't make a move to open the letter or let go of me.

I tightened my arms around him and turned my body so I could rest my forehead on the top of his chest. I breathed in his familiar scent as I tried not to think of my brothers who were locked up in jail. The tears came just like every time I thought of them and I lifted myself onto my tip toes, burying my face in the crook of Dally's neck.

"I'm sorry, sweetie," he whispered into my ear.

I dropped back onto my heels and leaned the side of my head on Dally's chest. I felt his chin on top of my head and wiped away the few tears that managed to roll down my cheeks. "Open the letter, please?"

"Okay," he whispered before opening the letter behind my back so I wouldn't have to let him go. "Three weeks."

"And then they come home?"

"And then we'll fight for them to come home in court."

"I lost them," I sobbed.

"Hey, you didn't lose them. They're gonna get out of jail; we're gonna get them out. Okay?"

"Don't let me go." I gripped him tighter as another tear ran down my face.

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