Chapter 39

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-Dr. Blank-

••Feb 8, 2013••

"Is this normal for you?" I followed along, pacing closely behind James Gray.  He had quite long legs making it hard for me to keep up.  We had been dropped off about a mile away from our destination by a taxi since James insisted it was the best idea.  I didn't argue, since this household was definitely one of a kind.  I just knew that I wanted to help poor little Faith. 

"Walking?" he looked back at me for only a second, making his long leather coat almost hit me, before turning back forward, he seemed very concentrated on walking. 

"No–," I corrected, "I mean walking a mile away from where we're planning on going."

"It's just better this way," he replied, this time not even bothering to look back, "we don't want my dear sister to refuse us from seeing Faith, now do we?"

"Okay..." I trailed off, I didn't exactly understand why walking a mile away would make too much of a difference than a block away.  Though, I didn't question him any further, as we walked around the block, I noticed a black Mercedes driving down the road.  It was the only car we'd seen this entire journey.  

And as soon as the car caught both our eyes, James Gray grabbed my hand, swiftly turning around. 

"What?" I simply asked instead of replying, he just pulled me around the corner, peaking his head around the building at the car, as if he was waiting for it to pass before we'd continue. 

What the hell was I getting myself into? 

Weirdly, I felt as if I was a part of some type of T.V. show.  I mean, why the hell were we hiding behind a building?  Was that Mrs. Gray driving?  I thought it was a man, which made me want to question James even more, but I elected out of it, just letting James do his thing. 

"Just waiting till this car passes," he mumbled as if he was speaking to himself. 

"Alright," I responded.  I didn't care too much about getting caught to be honest, I just wanted to speak to Faith myself.  I had gone to James Gray after Elizabeth stopped answering my phone calls.  I didn't know how else to contact Faith.  I wanted to speak to her since there maybe a new solution to her illness.  I had been doing quite a bit of research based on Faith's illness and I knew I could help.  I was determined. 

Pressing my body against the cold brick wall, I waited enduringly, as James suddenly wailed out colorful words, leaving my side in a rapid manner, before I heard a loud bang that must have been about a block away.

My body flinched to the abrupt noise, pushing against the brick walls to get my balance as I turned the corner only to see the black Mercedes from before stopped in the middle of the road with a man pressed on his hood, obviously injured. 

Oh my God,

I sprinted as hastily as possible towards the car, helping James who was already grabbing the body off the front of the car.  Only now did I realize the injured man was quite young.

"Fuck," another young man from the driver seat of the car said as soon as his door open.  His voice was trembling and he was obviously startled. 

"Hurry, help us!" I demanded.  I couldn't manage to pull this boy off the hood of the car, since I wasn't the most muscular lady around.

"Oh shit Harry," he mumbled to himself loudly, taking my place and grabbing the young boy, whom I'm assuming is named Harry's left arm.

"Here, help me lay him down in the grass," James commanded.  His voice was rather calm and collective compared to the boy who had come out of the car.

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