"Leon Farish, son of Beistiean Farish, step forward."

Leo moves and faces the crowd.

All eyes are on Leo as he slowly turns back around to face the statues. The angel with folded hands stands on the right, and on the left is a powerful lion with flames soaring out of its open mouth. Finally, in the middle stands an elegant Unicorn with a bowed head. Leo closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. There is a gasp from the crowd as Leo's shoulder starts to glow blue. As he opens his eyes, the stone of the unicorn begins to crack and falls to the ground. A glowing sapphire blue Unicorn comes to life and circles him. When the Unicorn stops in front of him, it bows its majestic head. Leo stands tall, accepting his gift. The Unicorn raises its head and steps back onto its pedestal. Suddenly, the pieces of stones that fell to the floor transform into bright blue butterflies and swarm the unicorn, transforming it back into stone with a flash of white light.

"Leon Farish, you have been chosen by A'ro protector of the bow." Rose announces after a moment of silence. "Please take your seat."

There is a loud cheer from the crowd. Others whose Phoenix Marks are blue begin to shine bright, and they clap and whoop louder than the rest. Leo's smile is so big that all of his teeth show. As he makes his way up the stairs, some of the older students clap him on his back.

"Gabriel Heart, son of Victoria Wolfmaine, step forward."

The crowd's whispers make Gabriel feel self-conscious as he slowly steps forward. He squares his shoulders and bravely stands in front of the unicorn statue. When nothing happens, he shifts slightly to see if he is standing at the wrong angle. When nothing happens, Gabriel feels disappointment. The woman's statue gives off a slight glow. Gabriel is puzzled. That didn't happen with Leo. Everything is silent for a moment; no one seems to be breathing. Gabriel looks up at Rose, and she smiles down at him.

Gabriel turns back to the statues, and starts to get impatient. When the gets overwhelming, he sighs to himself. Well? What now?

Suddenly Gabriel's body is engulfed in a burst of flames. The Lion had sprung to life and is much faster than the unicorn. Gabriel finds himself on the floor with eyes shut tight. Slowly he opens them. The Lion's bright yellow eyes look deep into his soul, and flames dance off it's mane. Gabriel feels no fear; instead, pride swells inside him. There is a warm burning sensation in his side as a bright lava red color shines through his shirt.

"Gabriel Heart, you have been chosen by Lygo master of blades."

The Lion closes its mouth and backs away from Gabriel. It returns to the platform where it turns back into stone. Gabriel is immediately surrounded by roaring applause from those Champions whose Phoenix Marks were glowing red. He feels pride fill his chest as he begins to walk off the stage. He lifts up his shirt and sees that his mark still glows bright red. He is greeted by older Champions and is given room to sit down.

"Elu Redbird daughter of..." Rose pauses and then continues by giving the elf a slight nod which Gabriel notices. Elu mouthed a silent "Thank you." "...Morgan Redbird. Step forward."

The Heavens room gets quiet again. Elu walks forward, brushing her hair out of her eyes. She stands in the middle of the platform, and looks back and forth between the statues. The woman's stone pieces fall away leaving a beautiful angel with bright green wings outstretched. Elu smiles up at the Angel as her Phoenix Mark glows green. The Angel reaches over, and places a finger on Elu's nose, smiling. The angel returns her hands to their fold, straightening up in her spot. She looks to the sky and tucks her wings as bright green butterflies surround her and turn her back to stone.

"Elu Redbird, you have been chosen by Mystiva keeper of Will," Rose smiles down at her.

The applause begins for Elu.

Gabriel and the Binders' RingWhere stories live. Discover now