The PEDO-FILES! ( ̄- ̄メ)

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The PEDO-FILES! ( ̄- ̄メ)

Thanks for reading my gay bar story in last chapter. Biggy n me will not do that again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EVER! NO MORE OK! its so gross! Im just happy I don’t have to go there to find a mate. Gay men r so aggressive n always ask for mate n this n that n they bother me if I have place to sex them or if I keen bottom all night ew! O MY GOD it scare the sh*t in me ( •_•) its once in my lifetime that I will do that n I did it with biggy to experiment but that’s the end! So many very promiscuous boys n men! I learn that word today “promiscuous” bec biggy is watching Femme Fatale this morning. it’s a old movie n he watch it bec he said Rebecca Romijn give him hard on -_-‘ Im not offended. I allow biggy to watch what he wants as long as Im only one who get his sexy time lols. Hes clean guy compared to all the pedo old men out there *shiver* o my god. NO MORE GAY BAR! PERIOD!*dot dot dot dot dot* period! (-‸ლ)

Ok so we all know a person have secrets n sometimes some secrets better kept secret bec there r times u will not like the truth when u see it (#-___-) I discover something about biggy bec I clean the top shelf of closet today. He has black book with numbers n cards of masseurs ( ̄- ̄メ) its confidential info but he doesn’t mind I share. Biggy is very open person. Anyway the black book I call the PEDO-FILES! Bec it’s a pedo-file book of pedo things. Its dusty. Anyway just for fun pedobear allowed me to dial the numbers haha! We just check if the numbers r still alive n my god! They r alive! We throw away the pedo cards n other numbers except the acupuncture person *if u have bf or husband for long time u search the closet! They r hiding contacts! Theres nothing in phone but im sure they keep in closet so check!* I don’t blame biggy he forgot about the pedo-files already. He said hes sorry n hes not calling them anyway so its ok. Just souvenir he said hmmmmmmmm but I throw n burn them (╯°□°)╯︵lols!

Also Im confused >,< he has FHM mags ;p anyway its ok he explain he said he use them to study advertisement to know “competition” n Im like: ok whatever biggy (/¯◡‿◡)/¯ lols.

I hope u had a good valentines day *blush* I have good valentines (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) biggy feed me with food n massage me n pet my hair (っ˘ڡ˘ς) lols don’t judge! I like when he pets my hair.

Ok that’s it. donnie boi Kenobi is snoring (* ̄o ̄*)z ZZ hes wearing his donnie boi Kenobi robe. Its not good. Its very short n I see the lightsaber (⇀‸↼‶) its just ..i don’t know *shiver*

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