Biggy Me and the Gay Bar! ¯\(◡ ‿ ◡¯\) ¯\( ◡ ‿ ◡ )/¯ (/¯◡ ‿ ◡)/¯

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Biggy Me and the Gay Bar! ¯\(◡‿◡¯\)  ¯\( ◡‿◡ )/¯  (/¯◡‿◡)/¯

Hellow! ;p Ok so I will tell you a story. This happen days ago. Biggy n me went to gay bar ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ tadan-tadan-tadan lol. its ok don’t panic were ok. We just do an experiment ( Ո‿Ո) hihihi *giggle*

Ok so biggy n me talk about “marketability” if were still “marketable” to other gay boy n men. So big pervert n me go to gay bar haha. We want to know if someone will talk to us or invite us for sexy time or I don’t know touch us? lols its so scary bec of course Im young n biggy said men will want to rape me huhu but he watch me so Im ok. We do this bec we just wanted to know if people will “hit on us” haha we want ego boost I don’t know..maybe? were just curious what will happen to us.

So we come together to gay bar but enter separately. I come first then biggy is behind me. Inside the gay bar is so gay ( ̄- ̄メ) o my god. Its my first time n its so crowded n little gross.

Biggy said don’t drink anything if men give me drinks. I accept n stick my lips to glass but not sip or drink. Before we went to gay bar biggy n me have hand signals that we only understand. His signal is rubbing chin n biting lower lip mine is tuck my hair behind ear n drum my fingers on neck. Rubbing chin to biggy is his signal when person he talk to is interested to him n biting lower lip is signal when the person want to sex him. me I tuck my hair when man is interested to me (is it “to me” or “in me”? English is hard) n I drum my fingers on neck n tilt my head little bit if man want to sex me.

Biggy is in bar area n I stand in round table. Its so scary my heart was beating very fast! bec theres so many men n boys n I smell poppers! *poppers is like little bottle you sniff to become aroused..dont judge me I just learn that from biggy lol! bec he buy one but we only use once bec we don’t need it bec we love each other n pervert daddy is instahard all the time so we don’t need poppers* (ˆڡˆ)

Biggy n me trust each other n we r across from each other so we see our hand signals. The experiment is also our way of understanding each other bec biggy said we r bound to meet people other than person we marry n if one of us don’t know how to handle the situation then its not good for marriage. Biggy is very disciplined man so he knows limitations but im very young n he said im “susceptible” n I think hes right bec I still get little crushes on men when we watch tv or movie but its only little crush its not serious so don’t worry. My pedobear is still the sexiest pedobear to me! Im not offended that we did experiment bec I also want to know the feeling of a gay bay n o my god! so many dry humping! n dancing like this (/¯◡‿◡)/¯  ¯\( ◡‿◡ )/¯  ¯\(◡‿◡¯\) omg I don’t want to do it again lols!

Ok we only spend 1 or maybe 1 hr n half? anyway we tally the boys n men n biggy won (#◡_◡) many boys want to sex him its bad sign (。-_-。) hes still marketable omg n bec he look rich that’s why (-‸ლ) Grr young boys r so horny! I will slap any boy who will touch my pedobear!!!!!!!HES MINE! Ok I will calm down. theres 3 men who talk to me n one touch my back (╯°□°)╯O NO! so I signal to biggy right away n he come to my rescue n put hand around my shoulder n give evil eye to the pervert n the pervert walked away lol. Biggy have 4 boys n 3 older men. The boys who approach biggy r cute but Chen is more beautiful! Chen @WillowChan is my bestfriend n he’s so beautiful o my god! Also..tadan-tadan-tadan ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Congrats Chen! lol you know why I congratulate you *giggles*

Its so funny biggy is approached by 40 yrs old man haha! Biggy said the old man want to top him lols! biggy said he shivered lols!!!! At end of experiment we both realize that we only want each other n we r very devoted to each other. We also realize that were still “marketable” haha which is good thing bec its like ego boost \( ゚ヮ゚) ~♡ but that’s last time we do that.

Ok I just wanted to share. Biggy is always nude in the house! Grr he sit on our sofa I change to white mantle n he sit his butt on the white mantle GRRR!!!! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ I will punish him.

Baibai! Be safe n healthy n don’t go to gay bar its so sticky n hot n gross ( •__•)

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