Biggy is quirky daddy

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Biggy is quirky daddy

Ok today biggy n me rest bec its his day off n also tomorrow its his day off bec its Sunday n then Monday he has no work also bec he use his leave. Anyway he teach me English today bec my English is broken English n I know its painful in the ear when I listen to my English -_-‘ so he taught me tenses n also using article a & an bec I always make mistakes when I use a & an. I didn’t know its easy :O we use “a” before word that start with consonant sound and we use “an” before word that start with vowel sound. Biggy said its not spelling but the sound is important. Ex. An airplane. A taxi. An herb (ok I make mistake n he correct me here bec it depends he say bec other people say “h”erb n other people say “erb” biggy pronounce without “h” so I copy him. An “erb” :O its fun to learn English n I feel like my brain is becoming bigger but also getting dry like raisin -_- huhu)

Ok its biggys first time to get day off n read a book! Its a miracle lol bec he doesn’t like to read n just want to watch tv all the time bec hes visual person -_- I think many men are visual person bec my brother is visual person also n he doesn’t read books. I wish my brother n biggy r friends but they r not but I think they will become good friends bec they r both pervert. Ok in last chapter I make mistakes bec I think Im confuse with don’t and doesn’t. mrs Hildebrandt in wattpad already teach me but I always forget =X so ok biggy teach me again n he say I use doesn’t after pronoun he n she n don’t I use with everything else lol!!!!!! That’s how biggy teaches me xp he give one rule n then he say use the other one for everything else -_-‘ hes a very manly teacher bec he doesn’t want to talk much which I think is weird bec he talks a lot when he talk here in wattpad but hes not really talking he type so its not tiring I think since bec he type really fast. He say that’s the secret to writing when u type really fast n don’t stop! =P

Ok Im sorry I say he read a book today. Yes! he read a book today! It’s a miracle! He ask me what im reading n I told him quirky tale of april hale n he ask me if its good book n I told him yes bec its 18 million reads!!!!!!!!! :P n he say meh? So I give him tablet to read quirky tale. He finish the book 3 hours -_-‘ Im so depressed bec I start quirky tale last month but im not finished yet -_-‘ I cant read very fast. I thot biggy is joking but I ask him questions about book n he knows the story >.< he even give me preview of chapters n the ending! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! But its ok X_X im chapter 18 now I think. Ten more chapters n im finished also! :)

Oh no Im typing n Microsoft word gives me many red underline -_-‘ I don’t want to edit. Ok biggy is quirky daddy today bec he finished quirky tale of april hale n I told him its wattys finalist n he said it will win wattys bec it’s a good chicklit. He said it’s a sure winner bec there many teenage girl readers but he also said that it’s a good teenage girl book bec the character is cliché but unique 0_0 he said that n Im confused. Sometimes biggy confuses me bec he talk weird but he explained to me. He said its cliché bec there r million books about weird girl n bad boy but he said its unique bec last time he watch something “similar” he said is back in 90s but he forgot the title. He said a book is unique when concept is repeated within a decade after a long time bec after decade a cliché becomes fresh again to readers. I think biggy is right. I agree bec its cliché but its like new n fresh =P

Biggy is quirky daddy today bec he cook for me :))) I like when biggy cooks for me bec Im not good cook but his recipe today is quirky :O he make spinach burgers n meaty fruity pizza :P its so weird! But it taste so good omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok ok we have leftover spinach bec theres so many spinach yesterday n also I made so many sushi n maki rolls! What biggy do with leftover spinach is he mix chop spinach, egg whites, two egg yolk, many many many dice onion :O cheese, Japanese bread crumbs, salt, pepper, garlic. He make burger balls n he fry them n theyre so good!!!!!!!! But he is quirky bec he put honey sauce when he eat his burger -_-‘ anyway we also make fruit pizza :)) we make fruit pizza bec I have many leftover mango yesterday bec I make California maki. The sushi I make we eat n theres no leftover bec biggy love salmon. Ok he make me fruit pizza but theres little meat. He use glazed ham, mango, pineapple n also I don’t know its black? its like grapes but not sweet they r salty I don’t know. n he put many many many many many many onion n red n green bell pepper!!!!! O my god!!! Ivan love red n green bell pepper n onion -_-‘ I love onion also when he make caramelized onion with little wine but I don’t eat truck of onion like biggy!!!!! >.< hes very weird. Anyway the pizza is so good :O I think I cry when I eat it bec its really sweet n smoke flavor bec biggy make special smoke barbecue tomato sauce.

He keep saying hes getting fat but he doesn’t stop eating lol. I think hes self conscious now bec he ask me if Im still turn on because of him. I tell him I don’t care if hes fat but I will care if hes unhealthy. Biggy is healthy but ok he has little tummy now but I think tummy is sexy :O lol Im weird also bec Im turn on because of tummy =P its so good to read books like quirky tale bec I learn many idiomatic expressions. Read quirky tale n vote! Its really good n ms. Cat is Indonesian! Omg :O Im shock when she reply n she tell me shes not native speaker of English so I idolize her bec I want to become like her someday. but not become girl lol just become good in English like her hehe. If I become girl ivan will make me pregnant n that’s scary so no thank you ;P

Ok baibai! Biggy is snoring -_-‘

Hes hibernating pedobear now.

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