PenPals - Chapter Three

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PenPals - Chapter Three


Jack's POV


Jack adjusted the strap of his backpack, the weight of his new textbooks making it heavier than he truly thought was necessary. He walked along the sidewalk, his eyes staring at the ground in front of him during most of his trek. He glanced up at every intersection he passed, but after a while, he finally met up with the crowds and just flowed with them.

The group of adults all crossed the next street and he noticed three kids in brightly-colored jackets rush through them, running across the crosswalk in the opposite direction.

Jack looked back up as he reached the curb and the elementary school came into view.

A sense of relief fell over him and he shoved his hands into his hoodie pocket, peering around the group of adults as he grew closer and closer to the school.


He heard the familiar voice ring out and he spun around, trying to find the source of it. He stepped over to the side of the walkway to see his little sister running across the schoolyard, waving her arms in the air. Her pink backpack bounced up and down against her back right up until she skidded to a stop at Jack's side.

"Hey, squirt!" Jack grinned, reaching down to ruffle her hair. "How'd your first day go? Is the fourth grade as awesome as I told you it'd be?"

Emma smiled wide, swinging her arms out and replying,

"It was super fun! My teacher's name is Ms. Wolf and she said we're gonna get to read books a whole bunch this year-"

Jack grabbed her backpack and flipped her in the opposite direction, cutting her off.

"You and your books…" he scoffed, shaking his head.

They started walking back in the direction Jack had just come from. Emma swatted his hand away from her bag and shot him a playful glare.

"And me and Jamie are in the same class again!" Emma continued, "That's, like, three years in a row!"

Jack nodded. Emma always liked having Jamie in her classes, Jack had noticed. The two were complete book nerds-they were practically soulmates.

"Oh, yeah?" Jack responded, "What about Pippa? And Cupcake?"

"Nope," Emma shook her head, seeming a bit disappointed. She turned to look up her brother and smiled, adding, "But we all have recess together!"

"Perfect!" Jack exclaimed. "You know, that's the most important class of the day!"

Emma giggled.

"Silly!" she called out, "Recess isn't a class!"

Jack grinned, narrowing his eyes.

"Are you sure?" he teased, walking ahead of her and turning around to face her. "I'm pretty sure it was always my favorite class! ...Second only to lunch, of course!"

Emma laughed, skipping ahead to catch up with him.

"Haha, you're crazy, Jack!" she told him.

They stopped at the crosswalk, waiting for the light to change so they could cross. Jack eyed the area, especially the park right across the street. A familiar squeal rang out from the park, and he noticed a couple of kids running over to the swingset. Jack smiled, and pointed over to the park, poking Emma with his other hand, and saying,

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