PenPals - Chapter One

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PenPals - Chapter One


Jack's POV


On any other day, Jack wouldn't be caught dead smiling in a school, especially Burgess High, and certainly not on the first day of the school year. But today was different, because he had a plan. Today, Jack Overland waltzed right through those double-doors with a determined grin on his face and a brand new hairdo on his head. Gone were the copper locks and dull, square spectacles, now replaced with spiky hair that was a glistening, pure white and his blue eyes were free of any glasses thanks to some brand new contacts.

Yes, this was going to do just the trick! This was finally going to get him noticed. His plan was foolproof-it had to be.

Jack stepped inside, several students already wandering about the halls, mapping out their schedules and getting reacquainted with their friends. He spotted a few girls from his grade and walked over, the false sense of confidence faltering only slightly as the seconds ticked on and no one had yet to look his way.

Stopping right in front of the three teenaged girls-all of which were texting on their smartphones-he readjusted the strap on his shoulder and smirked, remarking,

"Well, good morning, ladies!"

Two of the girls continued texting on their phones, but the third glanced up. Jack grinned, but she suddenly shot a hand up in the air, shouting,

"Oh, hey, Johnny!"

She waved and brushed right past Jack and over to the letter-jacketed guy strolling in behind him.

Jack's grin fell, but he was determined not to give up. He spun around, planning to take off down the hall, but just as he did, another student slammed right into him, knocking both of them to the ground with a clatter. The students' heavy textbook flew right into Jack's face and Jack fell onto his clumpy backpack as he connected with the ground.

"Hey!" Jack shouted in response, reaching up to rub at his eyes. "It took me all summer to get used to these dumb contacts!"

But as he glared at him, the student merely got to his feet and scrambled back down the hall without an apology, let alone an acknowledgement of Jack's existence.

Jack sighed dejectedly, staying seated on the cold, tiled floor as the other students walked around him, talking with one another.

Well, so much for that stupid plan...

"Jack?" A booming voice sounded behind him. "What are you doing on floor?"

Jack looked over his shoulder and up at the enormous man who'd just walked over.

"Oh, hey, North," he replied. "I'm know, contemplating how pointless life is. That sort of thing."

North chuckled and held out a massive and tattooed arm out to him. Jack grabbed it with a pout and stood up.

"Did plan fall through again?" North questioned.

Jack glared up at him, remarking,

"What do you think?"

He grumbled incoherently as he dusted himself off and pulled his backpack over his shoulder again.

"I thought for sure this would do it," he whined. "But, I mean, after the talent show in eighth grade, the basketball tryouts my freshman year, and that stunt in the Homecoming parade last fall...I should haveknown nothing'd be different! It doesn't matter what I do, I'm still invisible!"

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