Chapter four

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It was 8:30 pm, the class was told to take a bath in the public bath.

They split up into two groups, the girls and the boys. Each going in their respective bath.

The girls immediately started chit-chatting, unaware the boys could hear every word and were listening to every conversation. The bath was round shaped, witch made it much easier to communicate in large groups.

"Oh my god don't you think Adrien is sooo hot ?"

"Yeah tell me about it..."

" And those muscles, i didn't know he was THAT good yaknow' ?"

"Hell yeah! he's like, eye candy"

And the girls went on and on about how each and every part of Adrien's body was godlike and "so handsome".

On the other side of the wall every last one of the boys were staring at him with jealousy.

" Dude... you little bitch!" whispered Nino as he sticked his ear to the wall for better comprehension.

"What do you think Marinette?" asked a blonde haired girl.

"Well, i think he is a good friend" she answered.

Adrien felt her words forming into a knife and painfully stabbing his heart

Nino was internally screaming. His best friend had finally starting to have feelings for Marinette and she said that. Despite the seriousness of the situation he couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm so sorry dude, but that was hilarious!"He said, as Adrien's face went from no expression to hatred against his friend.

"Shut up dude." he said as he buried his face in his wet hair.

He was perfectly calm because he knew Marinette loved him. Well... she loved Chat but he was Chat so he didn't mind. He would have liked Marinette to have feelings for Adrien but he wouldn't have liked it if she flirted with Adrien while she was in a couple with Chat. But...

" Dude hurry up, you're gonna catch a cold." Nino said, getting out of the bath following the other boys to the changing room.

When he got out of the changing room his heart stopped. He had gone out at the same time as Marinette. Her hair wasn't in her usual pigtails, it was pulled up in a messy bun. She was wearing an oversized, long sleeved, shirt that fell on her shoulder. Her legs were uncovered as she was rocking a pair of sport shorts matched with cute striped socks. He looked around and noticed no one was there, they were apparently all in the rooms.

When she noticed him she smiled and said " Good night Adrien."

Adrien couldn't take it anymore. He tightly grabbed her shoulders and smashed his lips against hers, firmly pulling her in a tight hug. The sweet smell of her shampoo made him feel dizzy.

At first she tried to untie herself from his embrace but he wouldn't let go. She broke the kiss and strongly pushed him away. She was out of breath.

Adrien's eyes widened. She looked terrified. She had covered her mouth with her hands, her legs were slightly shaking, tears were forming in her eyes.

" Marine-" he started but before he could finish she took one step back.

" I-i-i'm really sorry!" she said before running towards the hotels garden.

Adrien slapped himself. He wasn't even able to control his body from kissing her. He was really angry at himself, he had just hurt the person he loved most in the world. His princess, he had made his princess cry. Without hesitating he dove back in the changing rooms.

Plagg flew out of his pocket.

"You messed up so bad kid !" he said before laughing at his master's stupid actions

"I'm her boyfriend Plagg, I can kiss my girl !"

"No you aint'. Chat Noir his her boyfriend, Adrien isn't. And seeing how the things are going, you  may not keep 'your girl' for long.

Adrien's thoughts were rushing through his head.

"Plagg, claws out!"


Marinette was confused. Why? First the bus, then at the sea, and now a kiss!

She was so mad at herself. She had sworn that she was over her love for him, that she was now in love with Chat Noir, that she was dating someone else...

She had kissed someone else and enjoyed it, she was still in love with Adrien, she was in love with two people at a time. Tears fell down her cheeks as she imagined Chat's face if she told him.

She grabbed her head with her hands.

She was a monster, a weirdo, she was in love with two people at the same time, she was disgusting, she was-

" Hey princess"

She looked around and spotted two green eyes in the dark.

"Hey Chat!" she said, trying to act as tho nothing happened and rapidly wiping her tears.

" You aren't fooling anyone." he said, sitting next to her.

"I-i'm a monster Chat!" she said, melting into tears.

"What ?

Mari from the beginning please."

"I lied when I said you were my first love, she said, before falling for you I was in love with this guy called Adrien, she looked over at her partner that was desperately trying to hide his excitement, I thought he would never like me, that I wasn't good enough for him, she continued intensely staring at the ground, so I tried to forget about him and then l started to date you. But my feelings for him aren't gone Chat, I still love him."

Chat's thoughts were flying in his head. Flashbacks of Marinette stuttering and blushing... It all made sense now. She had been in love with him for the past year!

" I'm a monster Chat, I took advantage of your feelings and-"she couldn't finish, Chat interrupted her.

" Do you love ME?" he asked, looking straight into her watery eyes.

"Yeah i do ! that's the problem! i'm in love with both of you! I'm in love with two guys! I'm disgusting! Chat.. I-I don't know what to do anymore.." she said.

Adrien smiled and gently took her in his arms.

"It's ok Marinette. It's ok to love both sides of me." As he pronounced those words a green light transformed him back to his civil self.

He broke the hug and took Marinette's face in his hands, gently wiping of her tears.

"See? It's me Mari, everything is going to be alright."

Marinette was shocked. She closed her mouth in a smile, and threw herself in his arms.

"I love Chat, I love you Adrien" she said as she hugged him tight.

"Marinette, I love you" he replied as blush piled up on his cheeks.

A/N: hey guys! I hope you liked this new part, I am finally able to update this story everyday! Please leave comments if you didn't like something, because I would love to hear what you guys are thinking. ( besides this is my first time writing fanfictions so i really want to get better.) Thank you for the sixteen people reading my story. It may not seem much to you, but to me it's everything. Please don't forget to check out my other fanfiction, Miraculous dancers. Okay! I'm done promoting myself.


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