Telling your secrets

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  "How did you do that?" Donnie asked "I was able to do it when I was born and when my parents found out I was dangerous they locked in my room. They also made me this necklace so I can control my powers but it was to strong so I just used the necklace to change my voice because it was one of my powers and I have telekinesis." You said. "So you never left the room?" Leo asked "When we moved my parents promised me that when it is my birthday I may go outside and that was a year ago." You said.

"I think we must get going now, nice meeting you (Y/N)." Leo said. "Nice meeting you guys to bye." You said. You then watched them disappearing into the shadows. You then went back to Zoey's apartment to tell her about you parents and asked if you can stay with her. When you got there you saw that Zoey was awake so you knocked on her window but when she opened the window she saw you are crying so she let you in "What's wrong (Y/N)?" Zoey asked "It's my parents they are died" You said "What?! How?" Zoey asked. "There was a fire and I couldn't save them." You said "I am sorry" Zoey said "You don't have to be sorry it was not your fault" You said "You can stay with me if you want" Zoey said "Thanks Zoe I knew I could count on you" You said

You then went to the guestroom because it was were you were going to sleep. When you walked in the room you saw it was you (F/c). You were so happy to know that you still had friends that care for you. You then sat down at the desk you then started to draw some blueprints for your lair and you would asked you friends if they would love to stay with you when it is finished.

When you where do you went to sit on the bed and you stared to sing Who owns my heart by Miley Cyrus  

  When you where done singing you saw Zoey at the doorway and she asked if she can join you. You than said that she can and you guys wrote some song to sing. 

Angel Of Darkness  (Leonardo X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin