A Mystery On Both Ends

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  You sped across the rooftop, jumping over any obstacle or gap standing in your way. You followed yourself wherever your pounding feet took you. The black fabric of your mask blew in the wind as your speed increased.

Almost every night, you would go out to do the same thing. To practice your ninjutsu skills. Ninjutsu was a passion of yours, it help you clear your mind from all your negative thoughts.

You stopped to take a look at the city below you. New York always looks more beautiful at night, it's your favorite part of the city. You never want to leave this place, even if moving here made your life harder. But you did manage to fall in love with it, everything about it just captured your heart.

"Well well well, look what we have here." The sudden dark voice made you snap around to see who it was. It was a girl in silver armor, and she had a group of ninjas behind her. She looked like trouble, the glare she was giving you made you feel uneasy and the tone in her voice gave you a chill.

"Looks like we found our target, father would be impressed" The girl said to her team. Grabbing your weapons, you took stance in case they were going to strike at you. "My father says that you're getting in his way of defeating his enemies. So he sent me to finish you off"

You spoke no words.

"A quiet one huh, I can work with that"

She nodded to her team of ninjas, and they ran towards you with drawn swords. The sounds of clashing metal rang through the empty night. These ninja were different then the brain robots you were use to, so understanding their patterns was a difficult task. The girl just stood off to the side and watched her team try to take you out. But the ninjas didn't expect your speed. Thus, the fight was on!


~Leonardo's P.O.V~

Leonardo decided to go on patrol on by himself tonight. Being alone really helped the turtle think to himself. He needed a break from his brothers fighting over the last slice of pizza anyways.

Leo stood on top of a tall building, watching over his beloved city. The cold wind blew in his face, making his mask dance in its breeze. He let out a long sigh in content. Many thoughts crossed his mind while he was up there. His family, his enemies, his adventures, and the endless list of unsolved mysteries.

But his train of thought was broken when he saw something off in the distance. He squinted his eyes in attempt to make the far away image more clear. I looked like a fight. A ninja's fight

Leonardo didn't hesitate to react. He swiftly dashed towards the fight. It might be the foot clan, he thought. If it was, then he could maybe listen in and get some information. Leo decided to take the risk, even if it might be dangerous to do so.

~Your P.O.V~

These ninjas weren't playing any games. Fighting them was very different then fighting against the robots that you were use to. Early on in the battle, you had the lead. The kicks you swung and punches you threw shook them up.

But you slowly began to lose the fight.

One ninja managed to knock all of your weapons off of your clothes, causing them to fly off onto the rooftops. Two others grabbed you and forcefully pushed you against a wall. The girl then walked forward and shot you a dark glare.

"Your skills display your strength. But the foot clan doesn't give mercy"

Her voice made a shiver roll down your back, but you refused to show any trance of fear in your eyes. You struggled to get out of the tight grasp, but most energy was drained from your body from the fight.

The girl then pulled out a small dagger and grasped it in her hand. She raised it up, getting ready to drop it down on your chest. You closed your eyes, preparing for your sudden and unexpected end.

But out of nowhere, a object came flying and slapped the knife to the ground.

This gave you an advantage. Swinging a kick, you nailed the girl in the face. You got out of the pin, and continued to fight. The girl joined in this time, she was a tough opponent. Back and forth, you and her battled with all you could deliver. Her abilities matched yours, the balance of strength and agility and mirrored between the two fighters.

Eventually, you took dominance in the fight. The girl retreated with her group, not looking back. You felt proud of yourself, a one versus six fight didn't always turn out well, but it did this time.

Placing your weapons back on you, you stepped off to leave. But a glimmer of silver caught your eyes. Bending down, you picked up the small object and examined it. It was a shuriken. The face had a little symbol that you didn't recognize. This was the object that saved your life.

It must have belong to the person who threw it. Glancing around, you didn't see anyone around the area. You shrugged, placing the throwing star on your belt.

When you find who it belongs to, whoever it is, you'd thank them for saving you.

Angel Of Darkness  (Leonardo X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora