The girl of the mask

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Raphael charged foreword in attempt to grab the ninja, but they managed to jump away just in time. Michelangelo and Donatello then gave it a shot, but the same thing happened, the ninja jumped away causing Donnie and Mikey to crash into each other.

Leo watched the ninja dash off at top speed in the opposite direction. He was determined to find out who was hiding under that mask. Narrowing his eyes in frustration, he took off after the slick figure. "After him guys!" His Brothers obeyed, following their blue-clad leader to pursue the mystery ninja.

The chase was on!

The ninja picked up the pace, realizing that they were being followed. The ninja began to jump around from building to building with even greater speed, trying to confuse the turtles. The four brothers did their best to keep up, following every move made. They grew dizzy from every sudden change in direction, but they were hot on the ninja's tail.

Raphael managed to get ahead of the ninja and stopped them in their tracks. "You're not going anywhere, hotshot!" He snapped, getting in front of the ninja.

Raph grabbed the ninja and pinned them to the ground with force. The ninja struggled to get free, but Raphael's strength prevented any escape. The rest of the team caught up, breathing heavily from the excessive running.

"yeah Raph! You got him!" Mikey exclaimed with joy. "Nice job Raph" Leo said, breath still heavy from the chase. "No problem chief!" Raph responded, feeling victorious.

Donatello didn't say much, because he was looking at the ninja. Something didn't seem right about him, then Donnie isn't even a him!

"Uh,guys... don't mean to break the moment but... remember how we were saying that he's a ninja... well i'm pretty sure we got a kunoichi..." Donnie said nervously.

Raphael reached up and ripped away the black mask covering the ninja's face, revealing a pair of beautiful (e/c) eyes. The turtles were shocked

~Your P.O.V~

"Is this how you were taught to treat girls?" You said sarcastically to the mutant who was still pinning you to the ground.

He got up off of you after muttering an apology. You dusted off your clothes and shook out your hair before looking at the mutants. Judging by their skills back at the robot fight, and the weapons strapped to their turtle shells, they must be ninjas.

"My guess is that you're all brothers?" You said, pointing between the four of them.

The one with the blue mask nodded, " Yes, sorry for assuming you were a guy" He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Its okay, I usually keep my identity a secret when I'm fighting those robots" You replied. "The kraang are trouble, we've seen you defeat them before." The purple-masked one said. "You're really good dudette!" The orange-masked one exclaimed. You giggled, "Thanks, I'm (Y/n)"

The blue clad one smiled, "Well, I'm Leonardo. This is Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo." He said, pointing to his brother in the right order. "We,re mutants...and ninjas...yeah..." He stuttered, he seemed flustered. You giggled at the light glow in his cheeks.

"Named after the great renaissance artists, very unique! Also, you guys work well together in battle." You complemented. "Thanks, but you helped us. You got some skills sister" Raphael said. "It was nothing, I need the practice anyways" You waved off.

You took the throwing star from your belt that you found a few nights ago. Holding it up, you asked the turtles, "Does this belong to you boys by any chance?"

Leonardo recognized the metal piece, it was the one he threw.

"Yeah, I'm the one who threw it... I couldn't just stand there and do nothing" He said shyly. You walked to him and handed him the star, "Thank you Leonardo, for saving my life... wait do you guys smell that." "Yeah it smells like smoke."

You walked around the rooftop looking for the smoke... you then found the smoke but soon noticed that it was your apartment building. "Nooo!" You run towards your apartment building with the turtles behind you. When you saw your apartment building on one of the rooftops you then fell on your knees and started to cry. You turned evil (because you were angry at yourself) and then you started to sings Imagine Dragons- Monster

This is how you look when you turn evil

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This is how you look when you turn evil

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