chapter nine

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Lukas' POV

  I found myself in an antique store at 2 a.m. You see, I forgot it was Philip's birthday today. So, I'm getting him his present. I already had it mind what I was going to get with my knowledge of Philip Shea. I wanted to get him something that he will love, something he will cherish. I know his love for photography so I am going to the antique shop in town to get him an old polaroid. Cheesy, I know. But, I know he will love it.

  I looked around the antique store for 30 minutes until I found exactly what I was picturing. It was an antique polaroid. I asked the older man at the counter if it still worked and was luckily told that it, in fact, was in perfect condition.

I paid the man the rightful amount he asked for before making my way home. I already purchased all the. necessities; a bag, stuffing, a card. I was excited for the following day, to see Philip and see his reaction.

The morning came soon enough, as I got ready to head to Philip's, I felt little butterflies flutter in my stomach. I was nervous to give him his present even though I knew he would like it. It was as if I should be giving him more than some little camera, he deserved more after what I put him through.

I pushed my anxiety aside and made my way to the small get together Helen and Gabe were throwing at their home. I knew Philip's mother was going to be there, as Philip will be 18 now. Helen and Gabe, of course would be there. I don't believe it'll be that many people, seeing as Philip has never been much for people.

When I arrived, the old house had blue streamers hung around the door. I smiled as I ran my hands along them and walked into the home. I heard people speaking and laughing. Philip's laugh is what stuck out to me, though.

"Where's the birthday boy?" I spoke throughout the house, making my way into the living room.

Gabe was sitting in the single chair, Helen on the arm of it. He had his arm wrapped around her torso. Philip's mother was sat next to Philip on the couch, smiling, a bottle of water in hand. My eyes landed on Philip. He was breathtaking as usual.

"You made it!" Philip spoke excitedly, patting the spot next to him. I walked over to the brunette boy, taking the seat next to him. He looked at me with so much love in his eyes, making all the previous anxiety disappear.

"I got you a present." I held up the blue bag that read 'Happy Birthday' in white letters and handed it to him. "Open it." I urged.

He pulled out the colorful stuffing paper, sprinkling it on the top of my head with a happy smile. He returned to his present, pulling out the old polaroid. He pressed something that made the lens come out and held it up to me. Taking a picture of me. Once the picture developed he spoke.

"I love it." He said, staring into the picture he just took. I smiled a toothy grin, wrapping my arms around the smaller boy, pulling him closer to me. I pressed my lips to his temples, letting them stay there for a moment.

"I love you." I mumbled, my lips brushing against his temple.

In our moment, we zoned everyone else out. I didn't even notice my own father walking into the room. When I looked up, I made eye contact with him. I was frozen for a moment until a sincere smile broke out onto his own lips.

The day went by quickly. We shared laughs, hugs and lots of cake. It was nearing 12 in the morning, as I was laying next to Philip in his room. A thought struck me as I looked to the clock noticing it was only 11:57.

"It's still technically you're birthday, ya know?" I spoke, looking to the boy next to me. He nodded, looking back up to me. "I haven't given you 18 of... anything today.."

"You better not slap me or I swear-" his speech was cut short as I placed my lips onto his for a single peck. When I broke apart I began counting.

"1.. 2.. 3.. 4.." It continued till I made it to the 17th. On the 18th, I held it, deepening the kiss. He smiled into it, making me smile as well. I pulled apart to speak.

"Philip Shea, I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I wanna be the one to give you 60 kisses on your 60th birthday. I wanna be the one to tell you that I love you, every single morning and night."

I took a moment to catch my breath.

"You're the only person I've ever wanted since the day I met you, since the day we kissed in the cabin. I know I've made countless mistakes that I can never take back. I've done shitty things, but you always forgave me and I wanna thank you for giving me a chance, giving me time to become who I truly am."

When I glanced back to the clock, it was already well passed 12. But, I don't care if it was his birthday or not, I would kiss him nonetheless.

We spent that night cuddling each other and kissing the other on the cheek randomly when we would drift off. It was a night that I wouldn't mind repeating over and over for the rest of my life. And I intended to do just that.

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