chapter two

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lukas: i can't hang out today after school. i'm gonna have sex with rose supposedly.
12:02 p.m, tuesday

philip: wow nice to know
12:10 p.m, tuesday

lukas: i'm just kidding but it's nice to know how much you like to hear about my sex life (:
12:11 p.m, tuesday

philip: it'd be more believable if you said you gonna have sex with a dude, but not rose(;
12:15 p.m, tuesday

lukas: i'm not gay
12:15 p.m, tuesday

philip: hey wanna go make under the bridge after school?
12:17 p.m, tuesday

Philip's POV

I looked across the lunch room to see Lukas sitting with his friends, smiling down at his phone. He looked up at me as well. I winked at him, he looked down at his phone and I could tell he was gonna tell me off for doing that in school.

lukas: dude, don't wink at me in school people are gonna think we're a thing.
12:20 p.m

philip: aren't we though?
12:20 p.m

lukas: no
lukas: yes
lukas: idk man, i'm not gay. i have a girlfriend. but i really like you. but i hate that i like you. i hate it so much.
read at 12:23 p.m

I turned my phone off and decided it was time I just leave this stupid lunch room. I don't even eat the food, I just sit in the corner with the music geeks staring at Lukas every chance I get. 

I walked aimlessly around the school. I don't understand Lukas. He wants to make out with me and tells me he likes me and then at school he can't even say we are just friends. That's all I want. To atleast be considered one of his friends if nothing else.


lukas: i'm sorry, boo.
delivered at 12:30 p.m
read at 3:30 p.m
Lukas: meet me at the tree.
3:30 p.m, tuesday

philip: be there in 20.
3:31 p.m, tuesday

Twenty minutes later I was walking towards a distracted Lukas on his phone, his knees to his chest, leaning against a tree. I sat next to him, looking down at my hands.

"What'd you want me to come here for?" I asked, still playing with my fingers.

"To say I'm sorry. I don't know how this works. Before you got here I was for the most part straight, well I had a girlfriend. She's beautiful, but I'm not emotionally or physically attracted to her. She's a great person, but I'm not in love with her and we've been together since 9th grade. Then you came along and you're so cute and you make me so happy, but I always fuck everything up."

"Does your stomach hurt?" I asked.

 "Why?" He replied, flashing a toothy smile

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Why?" He replied, flashing a toothy smile.

 "Because that's how you can tell you're in loveee

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Because that's how you can tell you're in loveee." I dragged out the word 'love', smiling at him.

"Oh, does it now?" He laughed. I nodded my head.

He started to playfully push me and then he grabbed me and pulled me in for a kiss.

He started to playfully push me and then he grabbed me and pulled me in for a kiss

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Yeah, I think my stomach does hurt a little bit."

boys like u | philkasTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang