chapter six

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Philip's POV

Lukas never texted me like he said. I was worried and it was now the next morning. I had so much anxiety. What if his dad hit him? Or yelled at him?

I tried to push away my worries as I walked downstairs with my backpack. I didn't feel like eating so I just asked Gabe to take me to school. I felt sick to my stomach, I couldn't bring my self to ride my bike all the way there.

"Are you okay? Did everything go okay with Lukas last night?" He asked me, concern taking over his voice.

"I thought so. He left saying he was going to tell his dad. He told me he was gonna text me but he never did." My voice was shaking, my hands were too.

"I'm sure everything is okay. Bo is a good man, and he loves his son." Gabe tried to reassure me but it didn't help much.

We pulled up to the school and I saw Lukas getting out of his dads truck. He wasn't on his bike like usual and his eyes were red. He made eye contact with me and looked away quickly. Bo was looking at me, more like glaring but nonetheless.

"I'll talk to Bo today, okay?" Gabe smiled, and patted my shoulder.

I got out of the truck and walked to the doors of the God forsaken school. I was looking down, not really paying attention. My mind was racing, as was my heart. It was hard to hear anything that was going on. Which was unfortunate as I ran straight into someone.

"Watch where you're going, dude." The person said, a familiar voice. Lukas. I looked up wide eyed, as did he. He was taken aback, and he looked scared. He looked towards where his dads truck was parked and saw it was still there. And looking right at us.

Soon enough, there was a sharp pain in my jaw. All for the fucking stomach pain, right? I grabbed my jaw, pain going through my whole body. I didn't know what else to do so I just shoved him until he was against the front doors. I couldn't even control my anger, I just punched him as hard as I could.

He pushed me to ground and started to punch me repeatedly. But he was crying, his punches getting weaker and weaker. I couldn't hear much, and my vision was getting blurry and soon it was black.

The last thing I heard was Gabe and Bo yelling at Lukas to get off of me. It was all his fault that Lukas was doing this, and he's surprised?


"Philip, baby, wake up." A distant voice spoke, it sounded familiar. It sounded like my mom. All I could really hear was beeping and voices speaking.

I opened my eyes and was blinded by a bright light for a second until my eyes adjusted. I looked around. I was in a hospital room. I looked to the side, my head hurting. My eyes landed on my mom.

"Mom? What're you doing here?" I asked, confused. Why was I in the hospital? Oh. Lukas.

"Honey, I came as soon as Gabe called. He told me what happened," She looked at me sympathetically. "He's here, in the waiting room. Lukas, I mean."

"Can I see him?" Was the first thing that I thought and said. I don't know why I wanna see him after what he's done to me. But his dad practically pushed him to this.

"I'll send him in." She smiled, she placed a kiss to my cheek and left.

A couple minutes later, Lukas was walking in. He looked scared, worried. He had a bandage around his knuckles on his right hand. He had a cut on his lip from where I punched him.

"I'm sorry," He said, tears running down his cheeks. He was now sitting next to me where my mom was sitting only a few moments before. He grabbed onto my hand, holding it to his chest. I could feel his heartbeat and how fast it was going.

"I know I said if you fucked up one more time I would leave but I don't think I can do that," I said sadly, my eyes burning.

"I'm sorry, boo. Please don't leave me, please." He begged, squeezing my hand gently. His eyes were bloodshot and he was hysterical.

"I'm not going to." I told him, looking into his eyes seeing him visibly relax. He was examining my face which was probably bruised and purple. My head was pounding and everything hurt.

"Gabe talked to my dad. He seemed to get through to him because he told me he loves me and me loving you won't affect that." He had this bright, beautiful smile on his face as he told me that.

"He should've realized that before all hell broke lose." I said, bitterness in my voice. Lukas frowned, nodding as if to agree with me. He was about to speak again until Gabe, Helen and Bo walked in.

"Hey buddy, how ya feelin'?" Gabe asked me as he sat down. Helen was standing next to him as was Bo. Bo wasn't looking me in the eye though, he was looking around the room.

"My head hurts but I'm okay," I smiled reassuringly. "Where's my mom?" I asked, confused.

"She had to go back to the rehab. She's doing good though, she seems to be back on her feet, getting there atleast." Gabe answered as he pat me on the shoulder.

"The doctors said that you can leave tomorrow afternoon." Helen finally spoke, she seemed worried.

"Can I stay with him?" Lukas asked his dad. Bo looked uncomfortable for a second before he nodded. He doesn't seem to be used to the fact that his son has a boyfriend.

"It's getting late, though. We should head out. C'mon, Helen. Bo." Gabe was standing up. He gave my should one last pat on the shoulder before they all left.

"It's 6 o'clock, what the fuck does he mean "getting late"?" Lukas asked, confused. I laughed but my head started to hurt worse. Lukas' smile fell when he noticed my pain. "I feel like an asshole for doing this to you."

"It's okay. I've had worse." That didn't seem to make him feel better. Knowing I've had worse, knowing I've been in pain worse than what I was already in.

The rest of the night we spent cuddled in a hospital bed and Lukas gently kissing my bruises on my face.

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