Chapter 19

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Sorry so short...

The Party Part Two

I walked out slowly back to the party, my arms hugged around my body, I stand on the tip of my toes, and I could feel the warm wind bit at my skin. We I walked up I saw Christy and Sam having a splash fight, and could not help but laugh. I sat at the edge of the pool and let my feet just swing in the water. I started to think of the song Andy had song earlier today, and grew sad that he was not here with me. I felt out of place, and unwanted. Christy only wanted me here because I am dating Andy, the other girls here only ask me questions about the band; the only person that would talk to me about anything besides Andy was Sam. And I only think he did that was because he disliked him. I still could not put my finger on why he had this hatred for the band... they had piratically saved his sister.

I felt something wrap around my ankle and pull hard on me. Water was over my head in seconds and fought to find air. When I was above the water I heard laughter and sounds of cheer. I wipe the water form my eyes and looked to see Christy and Sam laughing over what they had done. I crossed my arms and they laughed even harder. It ended up with everyone around me and I started laugh with them. I splashed water at the two siblings and they did so back. After a couple minutes I stopped worrying about where I was, what I look liked, and who I was with. I stopped thinking about Andy for the first time in almost two months; not that thinking about him is a bad thing. After an hour the sun was starting to set and Christy was getting to tired to swim anymore. She got out first to get everyone towels, then went back to playing the guitar. Sam helped me out of the pool, then I wrapped a towel around my shoulders. I walked over to Christy, as she play the three notes that Andy had showed her earlier.

“We are going to have to get you a teachers?” Sam's mother said.

“It's not that hard once you learn all of the notes.” I told her.

Sam looked at me. “You know how to play?”

“Yes.” I said with a shrug. “I have not played in a long time, but it's like riding a bike; you never forget out to play”

“Why don't you teach me then” Christy asked.

“I think that is a splendid idea.” Sam said smiling at me.

I tried to find an answer. “I am not that good of a teacher...”

“We would be willing to pay for the lessons.” Sam's mother said.

“Oh, no... I already have a job, and I don't even know when I would have time.”

“I am sure you have a day or two off?” Sam said.

“I do, on the weekends... but, I really don't want to disappoint you. I really suck as a teacher.” I said.

“Please!!! I really wanna learn!” Christy asked.

I looked at her for a couple seconds, and she had a small smile on her face. I moved a piece of hair away from my eyes and back behind my ear.

“Fine. Saturdays form noon till two, and if I suck that is your fault” I said to her. She smiled and jumped up hugging me around my waist. She felt so tiny in my arms, and it was hard to believe that she was sixteen years old today. I hugged her back for what felt like forever, when her mother said.

“Okay Christy, after cake and ice cream everyone has to go home.”

“Can Casey stay?” She asked.

Her mother sighed. “I don't know”

“Please mom.” she begged.

“Okay but she is the only one” She said put her hand on top of Christy's head. “You know you are so spoiled.”

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