Chapter 18

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Sorry I have not updated in forever; I have had really back writers block. I split this chapter into parts, because what I want to do with it would be to long. Hope you enjoy...

~The Party Part One~

The car dive to Sam's place was not as fare as I had expected. Andy drove with one hand on the wheel the other was in his lap, with his fingers wrapped around mine. The past couple day's he has been more then affectionate. I was not sure if he was trying to be careful from what had happened a couple days ago, or he was just in love. I would like to think that it was the in love option, but I am never that lucky. Really I should not be worried over something so silly; he was being very 'nice' to me either way. Though we had already slept together once, I still had my room and Andy had his. We both agreed that we did not want it to seem as if I was moving in. I was just his girlfriend, that lived very close...

I heard my phone go off and saw that Sam was had text me once more.

'Could you text me before you get here... I want it to be a big surprise for Christy'

I smiled and text back. 'Sure thing'

“What did Sam want?” Andy asked with a slight smile.

I blinked. “How did you know that it was Sam?”

“Because he is the only person that you text... And you like to text”

My mouth dropped. “He is not the only person I text.”

“Who else then?” He asked.

“Um. CC” I said and he burst out laughing. I rolled my eyes and looked back at my phone. For the rest of the car ride I checked my twitter and hummed along with the music on the radio. When we got to Sam's place he was standing outside of a huge house. It was a big red brink house and stood out form all of the other houses that was more LA's style . His house reminded me of home, and gave me a warm feeling. I was about to get out of the car when Andy had opened the door for me. He gave me a hand and helped me out of the car. I looked down and suddenly felt nervous...

“Am I over dressed?” I asked. He looked down at me in my black and white cocktail dress that I had gotten with my first paycheck yesterday. (Not to mention the three pairs of shows and other clothes.) I also had on a pair of heels and the leather jacket Andy had gotten for me.

“You look great.” I heard someone say from behind Andy. Sam was standing out side of the house, with a charming smile on his face. Andy turned around to look at Sam.

“You took the words right out of my mouth.” Andy said. He held out his hand to give Sam a shack. He was about an inch taller them Sam, but Andy's hand was a toothpick in Sam's. Sam had on a pair of jeans and a flannelet shit. His shaggy hair brushed, yet very mess at the same time. Andy had on a nice pair of skinny jeans, and black v-neck and his leather jacket. So we where matching....

“Well Christy is out with Mum to go and pick up the cake. I told you guys to come early so it would be easier to hid you” Sam said. “I like to thank you so much for doing this, it means that world to me”

Andy shrugged. “I love my fans. Thank you for letting me come”

I smiled and warped my arms around Andy's as we walked into that house. It was big and reminded me of the Von-Trapp family's house form 'The Sound of Music'. He guided us all the way through the kitchen to the back yard. I saw I huge pool, and looked at Sam.

“You never said it was a pool party?”

He smiled to himself. “Didn't I?”

I cocked my head to the left; I still did not understand his strange sense of humor. He started to bring out chips and and other snacks.

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