Getting the Job

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You sigh mournfully as another advertisement pops up on your laptop yet again taunting you with the slogan of the video game that had only just recently been released. You had been waiting for this game for a while now and when it had first come out you had been estatic, well at least until you realised it cost one hundred dollars.

As you stare wistfully at the computer screen, your mother walks into the kitchen. 

"Hey honey." She yawns grabbing something out of the cupboard, "What are you looking at?" 

You sigh, your mum had an annoying habit of checking what you were doing online every time she saw you staring at a screen. You didn't even bother replying as she was leaning over to see anyway. 

"Is that the game you have been talking non-stop about? Why don't you get a job so you can actually afford it hun?" She questions picking up the cup you had abandoned next to your hand.

"I heard a new place opened down the street, why don't you hand in your resume there?"

"If it's just opened then everyone will have already applied there." You argue closing your computer screen. "And besides, it probably pays absolute minimum wage."

"It's not like you have much a choice." Your mum replies picking up your resume from the kitchen counter and handing it to you.

You reluctantly stand up and taking the piece of paper, go upstairs to get dressed.


You trudge back down the stairs in your new outfit; dark-blue denim jeans and a f/c T-shirt. Shoving on a pair of s/f/c converses and clutching your resume tightly in one hand you exit through the front door and walk down the rain-swept street.

The building, you notice, as you approach, is a pizzeria for kids, and as you enter the smell of grease, frying oil, and pizza itself hits you like a truck. Kids screaming in delight drowns out much noise but as you look around you see and hear a few animatronics performing loudly on the stage. A bunny, a bear, and a... chicken? Or was it a duck? Deciding on calling it an unidentifiable bird you approach the front counter, only to recoil in shock.

 A man stands there rifling through papers, and he looks relatively normal. Aside from the red telephone sitting on his shoulders where his head should've been.

"Hello!" He says as you approach nervously.

"Uh, hi..." recovering from the shock and deciding to role with it, you regained your posture and hold out your resume, "My name's f/n l/n and I wanted to position for an apply here...." Almost immediately you face-palm, mentally and physically, letting out a groan. 

The man laughs, taking the resume from your hand and waving over an older man from across the room. You bite your lip nervously as he approaches raising his eyebrow at you. A cigar hangs lazily from his fingers as he looks you over. 

"You want to apply here?" He asks looking you directly in the eye. 

Swallowing nervously under his stare you hasten to reply, "Yes... sir.."

He only hesitates for a second before grinning widely, "Excellent! You're hired!"

That wasn't what I was expecting, you think to yourself, still in shock. "What... sir?"

"You start tomorrow! And from now on, call me Boss! Scott here'll give you your uniform and your timetable." He explains before walking away, he hadn't even looked at your resume...

You turn to Scott for an explanation but he only shrugs, looking at you with what you can only assume is a friendly smile. 

"Okay, lets see here..." He mutters opening a folder. "You're on day shift Monday through Friday annnnddd.... you've got night shift on Fridays." He says closing it again.

"Night shift?" You ask, "Uh, never mind. How much do I earn?"

Scott shifts uncomfortably from foot to foot, "A week? A hundred."

Your jaw drops, "WHAT? For all that work? You've got to be kidding me."

As Scott shrugs you consider not taking the job, but suddenly you remember your game. If you can just make it through the week, then you can quit at the end...

So, with a sigh, you grab the uniform on the front desk and offering Scott a small smile, walk back towards home.

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