"Dammit!" Athena hissed.

"As I've said," Metis turned to Persephone after witnessing the power of Athena, "she's nearly there."

Persephone looked to her little sister in admiration and she felt proud, that was truly powerful in her eyes witnessing Athena control and bend water at her will. If Metis dictates that her daughter is more powerful then this, then Athena deserves a throne in Olympus, like hers. "I will speak with Aidon, surely he will agree, and I will setup her own personal chamber while she stays."

"Thank you, Persephone." Metis took her hand.

"Metis, I've said this many times before, she's my sister, I will help her in whatever she needs."

Metis smiled, "I knew from the beginning that you, Artemis, and Athena would be close, but please keep an eye out for her while she's in the underworld, I don't want her accidentally going to Tartarus..." Metis finished coldly. One of her biggest enemies was in Tartarus, and if he knew Athena had returned, he would do anything to break his bonds and go after her daughter.

"I swear on the mother River Styx that I will look after Athena, and don't worry about him, he can't escape."

"Of course he can't, but if he knows she's back, he will play with her mind and taunt her into going in."

"Kronos knows better than to taunt people in my realm with Aidon, just think of what Aidon would do if he so ever taunts Athena, and let's not even speak about father."

Because of Metis, Kronos lost power. He hated the Titan Goddess so much that he called her a traitor to his cause. Metis was the one who helped Zeus into freeing his brothers and sisters from Kronos' stomach by poisoning him.

"Once again, thank you Persephone!"

"No a problem Metis," Persephone said as she was about to leave, "Tell Athena that I hope to see her in the underworld."

Metis nodded and smiled. Persephone looked forward and a sudden rush of flower like scents enveloped around her. A circular portal of flowers was forming, then the most precious jewels around the flowers, and lastly fire followed. Persephone stepped through her portal and it disappeared after her.

Metis turned back to Athena who was still concentrating and smiled.

"Darling, let's call it a day, it's about to get cold."

Athena snapped out of her meditation to look at her mother, "why I'm nearly there, I know I can do it!"

"I have no doubt in my mind that you can, but Persephone is leaving to the underworld, and Demeter's autumn will soon be upon us."

"Oh," Athena said disappointed, "I can't believe I haven't finished..."

"Not to worry, you will be leaving for the underworld tomorrow."

"The underworld?" She looked excited.

"Yes the underworld," Metis said putting an arm around her daughter.

"And what will you be doing?"

"Assisting Amphitrite and Poseidon in the kingdom."

"I'm going to miss our history lessons..." I sighed sadly.

"Not to worry darling, you'll have Nyx, Hekate, your uncle, and Persephone." Metis encouraged Athena, "they will teach you so much more."

Athena had a insight in the events before she was born, not all the details, but the big events like the wars, including the one Thanos raged on Olympus while her mother was giving birth to her in Libya.

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