Luna fake smiled, "Ne, it's okay. I don't mind." She avoided everyone's gaze, and noticed Shikamaru, Choji, and Sai weren't there. Sasuke too, of course.

Tsunade sighed, "That's an order." She said, "Now. Tell them how you feel."

"Hai... Let's see... How do I feel? Uhm... Okay... It started when Gaara-Kun and his siblings were staying in Konoha for 3 days after assisting everyone with the failed retrieval of Sasuke-Kun... When the last person who tried to grasp the last of our friendship... Gave up on me. That was you, Kiba-San... That's when I realized... When I realized that I wasn't any use to any of you. I was a burden... To all of you. How I think about it, is like this..

We are all flower petals... Flying in the wind.. You all flew higher than me... You touched the clouds, then soon touched the sky... While I'm here... Nearly touching the ground...

But then Gaara-Kun let me stay in Suna...

Then... I thought.. Who cares if I cant fly? Maybe... Maybe I'll never touch the sky, either. I cant be like the other flower petals, that left me. I can start a new life... Right? I just want to run... A little more... Reach out to grab  opportunities...

When Kakashi-Sensei told me to stay in Suna to be a Sensei... It hurt... A lot... I endured it..." Luna's smile wavered, "It hurt so much.. The pain was unbearable. Then, I realized something else...

This is my fate... My destin-" Luna was interrupted by Naruto, "What are you!? Another Neji!? You cant predict the future!! You don't have to stick to what you think!!"

Luna's smile disappeared, "Ah. But... That's where you are wrong. I tried to touch the clouds... You all kept pushing me away... And now... I'm here. On the ground... Looking up at you all. Watching you fufill most of your dreams. I knew at that point my dream was worthless. Like me... Gaara-Kun and his siblings, Shikamaru-Kun, Choji-San, and my stuadents are the last few people who care about me." She gave a small smile.

"I cant run from this any more. I'm stuck here. I cant get out. No matter where I am... No matter what I do... I am shunned. Dissed. Ignored."  Luna said, "I no longer care about my own life anymore... That's why I let myself go on the last  day... I kind of wish Gaara-Kun didn't take me here when I was about to die..."

Kiba clenched his fists.

Luna smiled, "If you are confused, let me explain.

When Kiba-Kun  left my house...

I felt all ties snap.

It was  like a room full of lit  candles... And a gust of wind blew out the flame... So I decided it was best to live in Suna... Because if I stayed here...

I would've killed myself." Luna gave a real smile.

Naruto couldn't take it, so he punched her, "Stop talking trash about yourself!!!"

He didn't expect her to fly off the rails.

Tsunade stood up, "Naruto what  are you doing!?" She shouted in anger.

"I.. I didn't mean t-" Naruto stared at his fist.

Gaara disappeared almost immediately when he realized what had happened.


Luna laid in a small crater.

The back of her head was bleeding.

Red tainted her white hair.

Blood dripped from her mouth.

Her back was obviously bleeding...

Probably broken.

Why was  she so injured?

Because she didn't try to save herself.


Gaara appeared onto the ground, and searched for his girlfriend.

He sped around the tower, and found her lying there. She was pretty far away.

"Luna!!" He shouted and raced over as fast as he could.

She turned her head, and tried to stand.

It was strange that she could stand, but Gaara didn't question it.

Gaara held her bridal style, "How'd you get so hurt?! Why didn't you try to save yourself!?" He asked her.

"B..Beca..use... I-I didn't w-w-want to." Luna coughed.

Gaara held her like a piece of glass that can break anytime.

Luna held up a shaking hand, "I'm s-s-so w-weak. D-Don't b-bring me...  To... Tsunade... If... She's l-late.. It's o-okay. I-It's okay if... If... S-She's h-her." She smiled.

"How could you be smiling!?" Gaara asked, tears streaming down his face, reluctantly staying there.


Tsuande appeared there quickly, "Give her to me!"


Naruto was the only person on the roof.

He couldn't believe he did that.

It wasn't like him.

"Why'd I do that!!!!" Naruto screamed in frustration, tears  running down his face, "I might not be able to say sorry!!"


Luna lay on the hospital bed, sleeping.

Tsunade had healed her, again.

Gaara appeared into the room, "I wont be taking her to Konoha anymore, unless it's for an emergency." He declared.

Tsuande's eyes widened, "I... I understand, but..."

"I don't care." Gaara's eyes turned cold, and so did his voice.

Like when he was 12.

Tsunade nodded sadly.


Gaara took Luna home, and  placed her on the bed gently, before leaving.

He couldn't believe Naruto of all people would to such things.

Moon in the Daylight [Naruto FanFic, Gaara Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now