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Why name someone something they can never have? Something that gives them dreams they can never achieve? Why would you torture someone so much?
These are the thoughts that my mind catches every morning. These are the thoughts I have while I get up next to Hope, Love, Peace, and Faith. I go over to Peace. I look up at her. She is blind and deaf. She may also be mute,she has been this way all her life. I take her hand and hold it. I stroke the back of her hand with my thumb. It's a pattern of stoke tap tap stroke. She realizes it's me and smiles. She taps her finger on the chair. Three times. I help her to bed. It took a long time but I've worked out a way to communicate with her. But she is never peaceful. She cannot know what is around her. Next I help Faith. First I pull down the top of the blanket off of her head.
"The sun rose again Faith. Just like I said it would."
"But what if it hadn't? Then were would we be?"
"I don't know maybe nowhere."
With that she ducked back under the covers.
I sigh. And peel back the covers.
"The floor isn't cracking under my wait it won't crack under yours."
"Maybe it will crack under both our wait!"
"I promise it will not."
Faith has a Phobia of everything. If there is a phobia for it she has it. But only because she knows it makes me, and Mrs. Klemensie, have to pay extra attention to her. To make sure we love her.
Next I head over to Love, and Hope. They are twins. They are also joined at the hip. They have three arms among them and are not beautiful by any physical means.
They also never stop arguing.
"As if anyone would see you as anything but 'poor little Love'." Hope crushes.
"Only because I have you nagging me, always!" Love replies.
"If I didn't have you always with your dreamy-eyed nonsense I could maybe be practical enough to think!"
"Girls." I say quickly.
"If you are to be together then you must try to give love and hope to one another."
"Oh what do you know! Your just a trapped little bird is what you are!" Hope yelled. I sighed again and turned around. My hands swiftly pushing the the wheelchair forward. My name is Wing. I live under the protection of Mrs. Klemensie. In the Girls Orphanage of the Impaired. We, those you have met, where brought here baby's without names. Unwanted by our families because of our impurities. Mrs. Klemensie named us. She named a lame child who would never walk Wing. She named ugly conjoined twins Love and Hope she named a fearful baby Faith, and a blind, deaf girl Peace. She is the cruel woman who doomed us to these names that are our prisons. These names that teach us what we want but can never have. I do not understand how she could do it. Because Mrs. Klemensie is the kindest, most thoughtful, and beautiful people I know. Mrs. Emily Klemensie. Our jailer. Our mother. I am Wing, and this is the story of how I flew.

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