"What get you?" he asks me, leaning to my left so he can hear over the noise. I end my mental rehearsal of what I'm ordering and recite it to the green-eyed waiter. He nods, jotting the order down onto his tablet.

"How would you like your burger cooked?" he asks, following up on my order.

"Medium please," I say, smiling. He nods and turns to me again, smiling.

"Is that all?"

"Actually, would it be possible to get my fries on the burger?" I ask, a little embarrassed to ask. His smile grows as he scribbles something down on the tablet, once more.

"You're in luck! We only put fries on burgers for beautiful girls in gray tank tops," he flirts. I blush at his statement, giggling a bit. He laughs as well, showing off a set of pearly white teeth. I open my mouth to respond, but a deep voice from down the table beats me to it.

"If you don't mind, we'd like to order sometime tonight," Auston says to the waiter from his spot diagonal from me. I shoot him a glare, now even more embarrassed because of his behavior.

"I'm sorry about him. He's the grumpy one," I tell Harrison, turning back around to face him. He smiles and shakes his head, glancing from me to Auston.

"It's alright, I understand what it's like to be jealous," he says before quickly stepping to the other side of the table and asking Carly for her order. What the hell was that supposed to mean? All Auston was doing is being a dick like usual, nothing else.

I turn my head back to Auston, only to find him glaring at me. I send a glare right back, mouthing, "what is your problem?" He shakes his head and goes back to staring at his phone. Scoffing, I grab my water and take a sip before engrossing myself in Carly's story about the time she got into a fist fight during a middle school volleyball game. Classy.

"So, how are you liking Toronto, Alaska?" William asks once Carly is done storytelling. I smile at him politely, pulling my head from the clouds.

"It's pretty good. I love the city and I don't mind the weather even though it's colder than back home. However, I do have my homesick moments," I reply, earning the attention of Matt and his girlfriend Sydney.

"Where are you from?" Sydney asks, happily diving into the conversation. 

"Pittsburgh," I say, smiling at the mention of home. I really do miss it. I miss my friends, my dad and his family, and of course, my cat Mario. I begged my mom to let me take Mario with us when we moved, but apparently, Tom doesn't particularly care for cats. I still do not accept that as a valid excuse and plan on taking Mario back to Toronto with me the next time I visit home.

"I thought you sounded American," she laughs, "what made you move up here?"

"My mom got remarried to a guy who works in Toronto, so we moved in with him," I explain, making a mental note to text my mom sometime soon to check in.

"Does he live downtown?" she asks, continuing her friendly interrogation.

"More on the outskirts... about a ten-minute drive from the ACC."

"Oh, that's great! I keep telling Matt that we should move to a place a bit farther from downtown, but he's so stubborn, I don't think he'll ever budge," she says, sighing. Matt turns to her and shakes his head.

"I said I would consider it!" he defends, but Syd doesn't buy it.

"Babe, that means no when it comes to you," she laughs, the rest of us joining in. Matt folds his arms over his chest and leans back in his chair with a huff.

Alaska || Auston MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now