'I don't need to be told that,' Oliver shook his head at her obviousness.

'Yet you didn't like it when I said that to you,' I remarked, Oliver rolling his eyes at me.

'You need a hospital,' Felicity rashly decided.

'That's not a good idea,' I commented, opposing her.

'My- my father's old factory in the Glades,' Oliver corrected her.

'You- you need a doctor, not a steel worker,' Felicity reasoned just like any sane person would.

'Felicity, you have to promise me that you are gonna take us to my father's factory, and nowhere else,' Oliver ordered solemnly.

'Yeah, promise,' Felicity merely answered, starting her car up and speeding to the Arrowcave. 'Something tells me blood stains are not covered under my lease.'


Felicity and I dragged a fully unconscious Oliver into the Arrowcave, Felicity rushing in and leaving me to support Oliver's weight as she alerted Diggle of what was happening. As soon as she came back, she and Diggle joined me in carrying Oliver to a clear worktop, where we could then treat him properly.

'Oh, dammit,' Diggle said as he examined Oliver's wound. 'He just missed a carotid. It's a zone two wound. Press there.'

'I should've taken him to a hospital,' Felicity complained as she obeyed Diggle's instructions, while I was unexpectedly taken away from the scene by a phone call from Lance.

'You probably heard about what happened at Queen Consolidated earlier tonight,' Lance opened the conversation without haste.

'I don't know what you're talking about,' I replied slowly, trying to figure out how Lance cpuld have possibly known about Oliver's condition.

'The Hood attacked Moira Queen, it's been all over the news,' Lance filled me in with surprise. 'Did Oliver Queen not tell you?'

'I'm not in contact with him 24/7, Detective,' I answered back at Lance's expectations of me. 'Why are you calling me, at this hour?'

I desperately wanted to be off the phone so I could help Diggle and Felicity revive Oliver, watching as they frantically tried to stop him bleeding, but I couldn't come off suspicious to Lance or the SCPD. Unfortunately, my job came first.

'We need a Forensic Scientist at the scene,' Lance told me stressfully. 'And you're on this vigilante investigation, remember?'

'Of course,' I answered, before abruptly ending the call.

'I have to go,' I told Diggle and Felicity as I quickly washed my hands of Oliver's blood and changed my shirt to a clean one, but they were too wrapped up in saving Oliver's life to hear or acknowledge my absence.

Travelling back to Queen Consolidated, I picked up my forensics equipment from the lab on the way, the vibe I got from Lance being that there was probably something important for me to analyse or find.

And I was right, for when I entered the office with glass shattering all over the floor, a sizeable blood stain decorated the middle of the room, its ruby colour standing out against the otherwise clear, boring colour scheme of the office.

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