Chapter One

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My eyes shot open. I was in a straight jacket, figures. My mouth was forced shut by something. Maybe metal, leather? I dont know... I was in a van. There was a man sitting across from me. He didnt look familiar. I wriggled my arms around, trying to get his attention. The man looked towards me, his eyebrows furrowed. "Stop moving." he demanded. His voice was deep and raspy. 

I rolled my eyes, and looked out of the window. The windows were located on the back doors of the van. There wasnt any trees really by the roadside, and was nothing but hills and cattle farms. I still had no clue where I was or where Im going. I looked at the man, and shrugged. He glanced back at me. "You can't speak until we reach the asylum, okay sweetheart?" he rasped to me.

An asylum? Why am I going to an asylum? I dont belong there, oviously. Im perfectly fine. I belong back in the normal world, not locked up behind bars. What did I even do wrong to be here? Well, I mean I can think of some reasons but nothing major.

The man patted my shoulder. His black bushy eyebrows were furrowed inwards, and his lips were peirced shut. "Are you okay?" he asked me. I nodded, and he leaned against the van again. The man crossed his arms and sighed to himself.

Suddenly, the van jerked to a stop. The back doors swung open and two bulky men stood ahead of me and the man. The man came out of the van and whispered something into their ears. The taller of the two reached forwards and tugged me out of the van. I stumbled on my way out and landed on my ankle, twisting it in the process. I winced and was pulled up to my feet. The men lead me towards a large five story building. The man with the black hair slicked back lead us to the entrance. Before leading me inside, he turned around towards us. "Welcome to your new home." he smiled wickedly at me.

A/N: So....the second book of Madness eh? I know....I felt so lonley without writing about Alice.. so SEQUEL XD

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