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 America was really tired. All that hard work, and sweaty hand jobs to do back in her land. Yet, she felt pretty bored, and went to go see if Russia was busy or not.

 As America knocked on her door, she was quickly greeted with joy from Russia! Russia seemed to be a little off, but she was just so happy to see America! She lifted up America, and settled her on her huge shoulders. As America stared down to the ground, she noticed how high in the air she was. She felt... tall and rough! Russia stared at her in amusement, and laughed an itchy, loud giggle.

"Ah... little America! Good to see come back! You here to stay for a while? You can stay for night! I have plenty room!" Russia settled down America, opened up her arms, and exposed her mansion. America loved every detail, but she wasn't so sure if she wanted to stay the night.

"Sure... s-staying for the night sounds nice."

"You sound, like scared kitten... Did moose eat all cereal you have at your time of the breakfast?" Russia jokingly uttered feeling happy but worried for America.

"I just don't want to be a burden in your royal mansion, Mother Rossia..." America sighed. That's when Russia lost her smile, and sat down right next to America, leaning over her like the giant she was. America stared up at her in fear, and then at her gut again. Russia lifts her up again, and settles little America onto Russia's big, and empty belly.

 "No sliding, unless laughing moves it!" Russia giggled. America felt the slight bounce, but also felt the joy of it anyways. She also felt a slight bounce as Russia chugged down on a huge glass of vodka. She sat and listened to her chug a little, and then would also notice that Russia might as well swallow the glass bottle of vodka whole instead of just drinking it.

 Russia belched, and sighed in relief from a stomach bloat. America just sat on Russia's huge gut. She wasn't for sure to rub it, or to just get into some sleeping position. Russia just pats her gut roughly, letting it bounce a little, and started speaking neat and softly to America, "Don't feel the down pulling on strings you got. Sadness is scary, not strong like Mother Rossia!" She roared in a strong way. She wrapped her arms around America, and sighed, "Just because Mother Rossia is big and wealthy like gut, I is still love inside! I love America! I proud! Don't feel like 50 pound weight! Be light feather! Be mighty, joyful!" Russia pounds. America looks down, and notices that Russia just flops down on her back, and let's little America just lye there on her expanded belly.

 "Hehe. Small you are..." Russia said with a weird smirk on her face. She puts her hands behind her head, and decided to wait and rest. She let America try to move all she wanted, but it was a little hard for America to do so on such a big, squishy, round belly. America lied down, and settled her ear on Russia's stomach, and listened to it churn, gurgle, and slosh with all the vodka, and vodka bottles in there digesting and sloshing.

"Mmmm..." Russia moaned in delight. She knew she had to leave soon though , "I better back up and do the work for allies. Don't go any place! I be back!"

"But, we kinda' just met! Can I come with and help you out?" America squealed.

 Russia thought for a couple of minutes, and decided to take little America along with her, "Da, sure! Come on! Let's go! I heard they have big supper after all working!"

 America was so excided! She couldn't wait!

Mother Rossia (Russia) A Zatie World Powers storyWhere stories live. Discover now