Could things get any worse?

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It was that one question. It was those six words that Raven had hoped she would never hear.

"Will you go out with me?"

Raven froze. She felt the world slow around her and she felt as though time had stopped. How will she answer this? What will she do?

She just stood there, not saying anything at all. It felt like she was just standing there in silence for years to Beast boy. He stood there, also silent, just standing and waiting for a response, for anything.

"I, uh." Raven started, trying to get the words out of her now dry throat. Beast boy stood there and waited for what she was about to say.

"No." Was all Raven managed to choke out.

She looked into Beast boy's eyes and she instantly regretted her word choice. She saw all the pain and sadness behind his eyes; it looked like he'd just been punched right in the gut by Mammoth.

She tried to quickly say something, but it was too late, Beast boy had morphed into a Pterodactyl and flew off. Raven stood in the very spot where she had just told the boy she loved- "No."

Beast boy flew as fast as he could, he didn't know where he was going, but at this point he didn't care, at this point he didn't really care about anything. He continued to fly as hot tears started streaking across his face. He decided it best to land as his eyes started to get blurry and he didn't really feel like flying into something.

Beast boy landed on a beach, there was no one there, which Beast boy was grateful for, he didn't feel like seeing anyone right now.

He walked a little on the beach, paying attention to the birds flying gracefully above him. He stared at them with a sense of longing; he wished that he could be free of his emotions like they were, he wished that he wasn't bound by the desire to be with Raven.

Beast boy plopped down on the ground, the sand felt cold beneath him. He pulled his knees up to his chest and placed his head on them. He began to sob lightly, he didn't know how he was going to go back to the tower and face all of his friends, face Raven.

Could things get any worse? The changeling thought to himself, just wanting to collapse on the ground. Beast boy closed his eyes and tried to forget everything.

Beast boy opened his eyes to see that it was the morning. Had he really just slept through the night on the beach? He hadn't remembered falling asleep. He stood up and brushed the sand off of his uniform. He looked up at the bright sun and saw the same birds he saw from last night, these birds reminded him of what happened.

"Oh yeah." He sighed to himself, kicking the sand under his shoes. Beast boy felt a pit in his stomach and knew he needed to eat.

I have to face my friends sooner or later so I might as well get this over with. He thought to himself as he morphed into a bird and began flying towards the Titan tower.

Beast boy landed on the roof of the tower, he took some time to collect himself and gather his thoughts, he then made his way into the tower. Once inside he once again felt how empty his stomach was and he headed to the common room to get some food.

The doors to the common room opened up and he stepped inside. He saw Cyborg on the couch playing video games with Robin. He felt a sigh of relief. He knew that they were to focused on the game to notice him and ask him questions about where he was yesterday.

He went into the kitchen and made himself a sandwich. It wasn't the most filling thing there, but it did make the least amount of noise and it didn't produce an odor to clue Cyborg and Robin that Beast boy was home.

Quite happy with his sandwich, Beast boy took it and headed back towards his room. He passed Ravens door and stopped. He didn't know why he stopped, but for some reason he did.

Beast boy stared at Ravens door longingly. Everything he has ever wanted was right inside that door. All Beast boy has ever wanted was Raven, that's it. He knew it didn't matter though, he knew that she didn't feel the same way about him, he knew that she didn't care. If she did care then she would've said yes to him when he asked her out.

What an idiot, asking out Raven. What did I think was going to happen? Did I actually think that she was going to say yes? Did I actually think that she liked me? Geez, why am I such an idiot? She could never like me, I'm just a green beast. The changeling thought to himself, hot tears were streaming down his face as he stood and stared at Raven's door.

Beast boy took a step forward and put his hands softly on Raven's door, as if trying to somehow reach out to her. He felt so alone without her. He felt like without her there is no purpose for him. He felt that she is his purpose. That she is the reason he is here.

But obviously that didn't matter, none of that mattered to her. She just said no. She said it so simply and bluntly, as if it didn't even impact her at all. The tears started streaming down Beast boy's face more rapidly now. He just wanted to see Raven again. He just wanted her to be his. He wanted to be able to wrap his arms around her and stay with her, holding her forever.

But that will never happen. Beast boy bitterly thought to himself as he turned around and started walking away from the door. But then something happened that Beast boy had not expected; the door had opened, and standing in front of it was Raven.

"Beast boy?"


Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been really sick. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns then please email me. Have a great day!:)

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