Bad Service, Good Nights

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Tobin POV

"I swear, Ash and Ali came out of the closet at the studio, clothes backwards and inside out, hair a mess, and just walked off like it was nothing." I laughed as I stood outside our hotel bathroom while Alex got ready.
"No way!" She gasped.
"Yup." I laughed and nodded.
"Can't say I'm surprised. Last week they came out of our bathroom looking the same way." She said.
"What the fuck?" I yelled partially angry, partially laughing hysterically.
"Is that why you were cleaning the bathroom so much that day?" I asked.
"Sadly." She responded. I laughed. I looked down at my watch. 7:30.
"Babe we should get going, our reservation's soon." I said. She didn't answer but I heard shuffling. A second later the door opened. Revealing Alex in a tight black dress that hugged her waist. Her hair pulled back in a bun. She wore a necklace I'd bought her and a bracelet, along with our engagement and wedding rings.
"So?" She asked.
"" I said. She smiled and kissed me.
"Don't get too excited Tobs, after sleeping all day, I look like a mess." She laughed.
"You look perfect." I said.
We left the hotel room and walked down the streets of Paris, hands intertwined, towards the restaurant. We stopped to watch street performers and admire the views.
"Alright, so here's the plan," I said, preping her.
"I'll be starting with the quenelles of pike with lobster sauce." I said.
"And I'll have the cheese soufflé." She said.
"No cmon lex we talked about this. You should have the gigot d'agneau pleureur." I said.
"Tobin I can do it. I can't eat 'crying lamb gigot' as they call it." She said.
"It's the signature dish at this restaurant." I said with a chuckle.
"They why don't you get it?" She asked.
"Because I know how much you'll love it." I said. She smiled and we kept waking.
When we got there we walked up to the hostess. Luckily, there was a sign saying they spoke English. The woman was on the phone when we walked in and payed us no mind. We waited for a minute.
"Can I help you?" She asked with a thick accent.
"Yeah, we have a reservation under Tobin Heath." I said.
"I'm sorry?" She asked.
"Uh Tobin Heath. Like the candy bar." I said.
"I'm sorry, there's no reservation under that name." She said sounding annoyed.
"Really?" I asked, "because I know I made a reservation." I said.
"Do you remember who you spoke with?" She asked.
"Uh no I don't. But it was about seven weeks ago." I said.
"Maybe you made it for another night." She said.
"But, we're on our honeymoon." Alex said with a fake laugh and held up her ring. The woman looked at us.
"Wait here." She said rolling her eyes as she walked away.
"Don't worry," I said tightening my grip on Alex, "worst case scenario we walk around for a while."
"She basically called you a liar." Alex said. "Do they not know who you are?" She asked.
"Woah," I said, "since when do we play that card?" I asked. She lowered her gaze.
"And as a matter of fact, we're a little less known in France so, they might not." I said.
"I bet we're in the book." Alex said. She leaned over the desk to look through the book. I went to grab her when I saw the woman coming back.
"Stop stop stop!" I whisper yelled pulling her back.
"Follow me." The woman said to us. She led us back to the dining area to a small table. Alex sat, and as I did, I realized there was a plant behind me with leaves jutting out right in front of my face.
"See, everything worked out." I said.
"You do realize they just threw this together?" Alex said.
"Doesn't matter, because we are gunna dine like kings." I cocked an eyebrow at her. Just then a waiter came by.
"Hello, my name is Hugo, I'll be your server tonight. Can I start you with something to drink?" He asked.
"Soda." Alex and I both said. He looked at us and left.
"Yeah he hates us." Alex said.
"No one here hates us." I laughed. I looked over to a older couple glaring at us from two tables away.
"Except maybe that couple over there." I said. Alex turned to them. And gave a condescending wave.
"It's alright, besides we're about to make the waiter's night by ordering one of everything on the menu." I laughed.
"But he doesn't know that you're a huge star, apparently everywhere but France, what's up with that by the way? That couple doesn't know that we live very comfortably in terms of money," she smiled, but then her face hardened again, "he doesn't know we're not just two broke American kids who are gunna sit here all night playing with the silverware when-" I cut her off.
"Hey, we're fine. The only thing you have to worry about, is eating so much food that the idea of sex later physically makes you sick." I smiled.
"Oh I will rally." She said with a serious face. I gave her another smile.
"Just enjoy your meal." I said. The waiter came back over. We both ordered our wine and food and handed our menus to him.
"Excellent choice," he said putting the menus under his arm, "may I see your ID's please." He told more than asked. Alex looked at me and rolled her eyes. I reached for my wallet in my back pocket while Alex fished through her purse to find hers. He looked at her license and back at her. She made a face at him.
"I guess." He mumbled. He took mine and looked at me. The picture was taken when I was 19, so I'd changed since then.
"The picture from when I was 19, so..." I trailed off.
"I-yes, thank you." He said sounding extremely annoyed.
"I'll be back with your wine." He said emphasizing the word wine. He came back a second later catching Alex and I in mid conversation. He showed the bottle to me, which made me stop speaking.
"I-" I said but he already started to pour the wine. He gave me a star he look.
"I'm sorry, we ordered the 2008 Sevea Nebbiolo." I said.
"Yes?" He asked.
"We ordered the Nebbiolo, this is the Cappellano Barolo."
"Ma'am this is an excellent bottle of wine." He said.
"Oh yeah yeah, I'm sure. You guys just poached Bonamat Sommelier last week, and that guy knows his grapes, no question-" he cut me off.
"Yes and the Barolo and the Nebbiolo are from the same varietal so-" I cut him off this time.
"Totally, totally. For sure, but sir I've spent a lot of time in Italy tasting the finest wines in the world. And the Barolo is so massive and heavy and rich, that it might overwhelm the cheddar gougeres that we ordered, and have been waiting for for what feels like months now, so," he put his hand up to stop me and walked away.
"Ok he maybe hates us a little." I said.
"You think.?" Alex asked. He came back later with a new bottle. Once we had our wine poured I took Alex's hand.
"You look beautiful." I whispered. She smiled at me. I picked up my glass.
"Alex Morgan, I hope you live to be 100. And I hope I live to 100, minus one day. So that I'll never have to live a day without you." I said. She gave me a huge smile and leaned across the table to kiss me.
"I love you." She mumbled.
"Cheers." I said when she leaned back. We clinked our glasses together and drank.
Eventually we got our food and talked and laughed over it. It was amazing.
"You still afraid of that lamb?" I asked Alex, seeing she'd just about finished them.
"Maybe." She said mocking me.
"Alright then I'm just gunna try some-" I said going to take some off her plate. She blocks my fork with hers and spoke up.
"Fine! Lamb is all I wanna eat for the rest of my life." She said. We both broke into hysterical loud laughter. We noticed the old couple looking at us annoyed. I took a sip of wine to hide my smile. Alex started at them and let out a loud fake laugh, all while keeping eye contact. I nearly chocked on my wine and out a hand on her wrist.
"Don't antagonize the unhappy couple." I said, loud enough that they could hear. Alex tipped her glass to them.
"They look like they're about... six months away from divorce?" I asked Alex, but again, making sure they could hear.
"Maybe complaining about the hooligans at their favorite restaurant, is bringing them closer together." Alex said. They both gave us dirty looks.
"We're saving their marriage. We're the Dr. Phil of this restaurant." I said . The woman looked like she was about to get up, but the man held her arm down. We broke into laughter again.
"I love you." She said through the laughter. We finished eating a while later. I felt fuller than ever.
"I wish I could take my belt off." I smiled.
"Of the belt on this dress was removable, I'd be taking it off." Alex said as she laughed. The waiter walked by.
"We'll take this when you're ready." He said putting the check down and walking off. Alex looked around dumbfounded.
"He didn't even ask if we wanted dessert." She said.
"That's ok, public vomiting is frowned upon in France. Believe me I know." I smiled.
"No, you wanted the blueberry violet eclairs." Alex said angrily.
"Hey, look at me." I said trying to calm her down, "happy honeymoon." I said giving her my most charming smile. Her face instantly softened.
"Happy honeymoon." She whispered.
"I love you," I said, "and I love that your anger is always bubbling just below- are you fucking kidding me?" I said switching gears as I looked at the check. She took the check from my hand to see from herself.
"They charged us for the first bottle of wine? And a dessert we never ordered?" Alex asked. I scanned the restaurant for the waiter.
"Don't worry," she said, "I'm gunna keep it together. We'll fight this out. Like grown ups." She said. I turned back to her.
"Fuck that." I whispered, "Go get him." I said. She smiled and we leaned across the table to kiss each other. She sat back in her chair and held her hand up, snapping three times. From the other side of the room the waiter turned around, ready for a challenge. I watched in suspense. Alex opened her mouth, and all hell broke loose. I'd rather not relive it, so we'll just skip ahead. Alex and I were walking down the streets of Paris with gelato.
"I'm sorry tonight didn't go as planned." I turned my head towards Alex who was heavily leaning in me, her arm hooked through mine.
"Are you kidding?" She asked, "That was so much fun! Did you see his face? I made him cry." She laughed.
"Yeah maybe you shouldn't be so proud of that." I said.
"He comped us so much stuff!" She held up the bag of take away food the restaurant had given us for free.
"Ok you can be a little proud of that." I smiled.
"Best honeymoon ever!" She said putting her arms up.
"Hey watch your gelato." I laughed. She leaned in to kiss me. We kept walking and saw some more street performers. A group of guys were playing a guitar, drums, and bass. We were passing them when thy stopped and called out.
"Hey, are you Tobin Heath?" We turned around, surprised that they recognized me here.
"Yeah. I am." We smiled.
"We were just playing one of your songs! We love you." Another of them said
"Hey it'd be an honor if you played with us." He said. I looked around, a few people were starting to take notice.
"Yes yeah alight, actually, I'm just coming back from dinner with my wife, and she loves to be serenaded, you think you guys could give me a hand?" Alex looked at me with a smile. The guys agreed in no time. I took one of their guitars. We played for a while trying to get a feel for each other. Once we found something that worked, I turned back around. Many more people were there now but Alex was still front and center.

I found a love for me
Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time

I took steps towards her

But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes you're holding mine

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight

I gestured to her as the crowd clapped and she blushed

Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know

The guy on drums kicked in

She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own
We are still kids, but we're so in love

She laughed at this, knowing how childish we could be, but how it worked for us.

Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your woman
I see my future in your eyes

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful

I shook my head at her, to which she smiled

I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person
And she looks perfect, I don't deserve this
You look perfect tonight

Alex blushed again and covered her face with her hands. The crowd clapped and she stepped to me kissing me in front of everyone.
"Oh my god that was amazing." One if the guys said.
"I can't believe you just made that up!"
I took off the guitar and signed it and other instruments for the guys. I took Alex by the hand as we walked away. We kept walking, and I felt Alex's eyes burning holes in the side of my head.
"What?" I asked turning to her with a smile.
"How are we ever gunna top this?" She asked. I sighed out as we stopped to take a seat on a park bench.
"Oh, we should go..." I trailed for a while before taking my gelato spoon and pointing straight up, "up there." Alex laughed.
"Up there?" She turned to me.
"Yeah I hear they have all the gelato you can eat." She laughed again, "its like made of gelato."
"I hate to tell you Tobs, but I don't know if you can too this." She said.
"Is that a challenge?" I asked.
"Please, is live it if you could too this. But we caused a scene at a restaurant, got gelato, and you just sang to me in a street corner in Paris for probably about 30 people, who by the time you were done were saying how much they loved you. I smiled and kissed her. Let's just say, after this impromptu performance we I was loved much more by Paris, and by Alex.

FoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora