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A few weeks later we went to Hawaii! We went for Caleb's fall break for the entire week! Jenn and I went to get spray tans before we left so we would be tan! I wore a bikini that showed a little more skin than my other ones so I wouldn't have weird tan lines. The spray was really cold and we looked weird after but it was worth it!

On the plane Caleb and I looked at some old pictures from when we went to Costa Rica the summer before our parents died. It brought back some happy memories with our parents and it passed the time on the flight.

       "Do you remember this Bub, you got your hair braided like mine?" I said as I laughed and looked at Caleb's face.
       "No, but it doesn't surprise me that I did!" Caleb said laughing.
       "Its kind if weird how Caleb was always taller. Maybe you were just the smaller twin." Jenn said as she looked at the picture with us.
       "Well Caled probably stole all my nutrients in the womb just like he steals everything else i've owned!" I said as I looked up at Caleb.
       "What can I say, i'm a good robber!" Caleb said as he flipped his "hair."

When we landed we went straight to our hotel, our room was huge! It had two bedrooms each one with two beds, a living room, a kitchen, and a master bedroom with a huge bed and bathroom! That room was the biggest and had space where I could practice a little bit of tumbling!

We all went down to our car to get the rest of our bags and when we came back up Caleb went to open up our door and he broke the door. The handle just came off and he got there before Jenn and I did.

"Hey guys, I kind of think I broke the door..." He said as he smiled a little bit.
"What do you mean you broke the door, how do you break a door?" Jenn asked as we continued walking to our room.
"Well the handle kind of came off when I went to open the door." Caleb said.
"Well...that sounds like something Caleb would do!" I said as i looked up at Jenn. We got to our room and Caleb showed us what he meant.
       "Like for real, the door is broken?" Jenn asked.
       "For real!" Caleb said as he pulled the handle off our door. Jenn and I started laughing and so did Caleb.
       "I thought you were kidding, I didn't think you actually broke the door!" Jenn said as she took the handle out of Caleb's hands. We went down to the front desk and they had someone fix it for us. When we got back into our room we all changed because we had reservations for dinner in a little while. I changed into a black and white striped strapless dress and I put a black and white flower-bow thing to keep my hair out of my face.

Jenn laughed every time I pulled my dress up because she told me it wouldn't stay up cause I was so flat chested. Caleb put on a light blue t-shirt and shorts. When we went outside of our hotel there were people that had fancy flower necklaces, they were called leis and they were really pretty! We all put them on and walked around our resort. Caleb and I got these cool airbrush tattoos, Caleb got a black one around his arm and I got a purple one on my shoulder blade! Jenn made us take a picture (ITS ABOVE) and it actually came out pretty good!

After we ate dinner we decided to check out the beach and the pool! On our way we saw hula girls and I took a picture with two of them and they taught me some moves, they tried to teach Caleb but it didn't work too well.

The next day we had plans to go swimming with dolphins! We were super excited and we took pictures outside of the aquarium and Caleb got a picture with a dolphin! After we did that we took some pictures around the resort and went to the beach! The water was super blue and it was amazing! I wore a pink and white bandeu bikini with black bottoms and I put my hair in a side braid, on our way down we saw people doing hair and they put a flower in mine! We took pictures at the beach and Caleb went on a jet ski! I stayed on the beach since I didn't trust the jet ski! After we swam in the water we decided to go on a hike! We found a heart rock and of course Caleb and I had to take a picture next to it! We also found this cool water spring that erupted when we were right in front of it! We all screamed as water got all over us, Caleb obviously screamed the loudest and most obnoxiously!

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