The Secrets Out

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The Next Weekend

       I was going to the dance awards again this year with my studio. Back to Las Vegas with two solos, "North" for Junior Best Dancer and "Fly to you" for the regular solo competition. I was only in six groups this year because a lot of our groups weren't going to nationals.I wasn't even staying the entire awards because I have been having some foot pains. I was only doing the competition part and the awards ceremony. I was going back to L.A. on the class days to go to a foot doctor and to relax. I was packing since we were leaving tomorrow, I wasn't as excited since some of the few groups I was in I had to drop out of. 

       I still hadn't found a way to tell Adam about our uncle but I was planning on telling him after the competition because my solos had a lot to do with the accident and my childhood. 

       The next day we went to the airport, Adam and Jenn were coming and Caleb was staying home. I  was excited for Adam to see the dances I was competing but also nervous because of what I had to tell him. I wanted him to promise he wouldn't tell Jenn. Even though her mom knew I was positive Jenn had no idea. The plane ride was kind of boring since all my friends had left yesterday. 

       At the competition I saw a lot of my friends and we went to our rehearsal. It was fun but I had to help them reblock the numbers I wasn't in which made me sad. I did mostly conditioning while everyone else danced. After the rehearsal, Adam took me for ice cream and I got a giant sundae that we split. I couldn't tell him here because I was afraid people would overhear. 

       The next day I was competing my solos and I did pretty well. Jenn was really proud of me and Adam was amazed at how good I was, even though my foot was hurting me a lot. Jenn gave me some pain medicine and I competed a few of my groups the next day. We competed "Childhood Dreams," "Say Something," and "Goodnight Stories." We did pretty well and we all hung out by the pool when we were done competing. (IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE DANCES JUST SEARCH THE NAME FOLLOWED BY CLUB DANCE STUDIO ON YOUTUBE)

       The next day we competed "Here I Come," "The Pianist," and "Here Before." We found out that we would recompete "Childhood Dreams," Here I Come," and "Here Before" because we got judges picks. We did pretty well and I cheered my teammates on from the audience, they all did amazing and I was so proud to be apart of such an amazing team. But I had to leave the next day for my foot appointment. 

The Appointment

     We had found out that I had Sever's Disease. It wasn't too serious and could be treated at home. I just had to rest and do some stretching exercises for the summer. I couldn't dance again until the fall which made me a little sad but it wasn't too bad. I could still swim and stretch so I could keep my flexibility. 

       When we got home Jenn said she was going to take a nap and everyone else was gone. So it was just Adam and I alone, I had to tell him now. I was kind of nervous but I asked him if I could talk to him outside, we went out to the swing under the balcony. We sat together and I was almost shaking. 

       "I have to tell you something really important and you can't get mad at me or Caleb because it wasn't our fault." I told him as I twidled my thumbs.

       "What is it?" He asked with concern in his eyes. I let out a deep breath as I tried to calm myself. 

       "You need to promise me you won't tell anyone." I told him as I made direct eye contact. 

       "It depends what it is but if its not something too bad I won't tell anyone." He said. I was screwed now...

       "So after mom and dad died, Caleb and I were put in foster care...We had a lot of families that all seemed to like us but they never adopted us. Then we found out uncle and he seemed nice. We thought we had a forever home with somebody who really loved and cared about us... But then he started drinking, he got abusive towards us and locked us in the basement alone with little food for days." I said while tearing up. I wiped the tears away and kept telling him my story.

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